Are you EPIC?

🔮 You have spent most of your life feeling “different” and as if you don’t belong on this planet.

🔮 You feel, see, sense, hear, know, experience, and express things in a really big way.

🔮 You pick up on things that other humans miss.

🔮 You feel called to do “something” or share a message that feels bigger than you.

🔮 You naturally do things that you think other people do, only to discover that few people do.

🔮 You think that you might be an alien or star seed, or are Lemurian, Atlantean, or some other exotic race of Beings.

🔮 You believe in things that other humans sometimes consider to be hokey, crazy, or dangerous.

If any of this sounds familiar, you are one of my people – the EPICs.

While the word “epic” means something grand and impressive (and my people really are), in my work it is an acronym that represents the strengths of those who align with The Phoenix and the EPIC REVELution.

They are Empathic. They can feel what others are feeling and sense what they are thinking.

They are Psychic. They can see future possibilities and hear messages with vivid detail.

They are Intuitive. They can know things without knowing how or why and they have a strong inner compass that guides them with impeccable accuracy.

They are Creative. They can innovate, imagine, and express themselves in ways that are beyond most people’s capacities.

EPICs resonate with titles, callings, and positions such as:


You can stop looking for your tribe, stop wondering why you’re on Earth, and stop wishing things were different.

You have found a space where you are welcomed, appreciated, and supported.

Grab a cup of your favorite drink, kick up your feet, and relax.


The Many Looks of The Phoenix