About a year ago today marked the time of when I contracted the infectious blogging bug. It was the week I spent a lot of time in front of the computer, clicking away on blog lists until I found bloggers with whom I felt a kinship. It was when I found Tewkesbury and Cele and Alice. Since those blogging relationships, others have bloomed over this last year like Shiggy and Sideon and Kristen. I feel very blessed to have linked up my electronic life with these amazing people. Then, the coolest thing started happening… my “real life” friends and loved ones started blogging too (or I finally discovered their blogs…) and my “to read” list grew.
Last year, Tewksey posted a year-end Meme that I loved and last night, in the middle of the night whilst I was tossing and turning, I remembered it and decided I wanted to revive it for this year.
The rules are pretty basic:
I discovered last year that the funnest part of this, for me, was the chance to reread some of what I had written. I discovered I had some pretty good stuff out there!!! Let’s see what I did this year…
Sooooooooooooooooooooo… without further ado, presenting this year’s “One by One”…
January 2008
The sun rose this morning, kissing the points of the Rocky Mountains and ascending into a sky so blue and cloudless it hurt my eyes to look at the brilliance…
February 2008
Whew… I made it…
March 2008
I have read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki before at the behest of Mr. Millionaire…
April 2008
When is enough, enough?…
May 2008
…it used to be the day I got ready for Sunday so that I didn’t do anything too strenuous or “non-church” related…
June 2008
I feel so blessed….
July 2008
The house which is in the works for me to purchase has been vacant and unloved since February…. (Ugh… I forgot about this one. I feel sad.)
August 2008
September 2008
Yes, indeed!…
October 2008
And it is a great big sigh…
November 2008
To learn more about playing Weekend Exposure, visit this post on Amanda’s blog…
December 2008
I could feel the excitement bursting from the tiny body standing next to me…
Hmmmmm… after reading through this years’ One by One, I am not near as impressed as I was last year at the completion of this project!!! LOL
Sooooooooo… in the next few days, look for my posting of my twelve favorite posts from this year.