Your life is a direct reflection of what you believe to be true. If you are experiencing wealth, health, and easefulness, then your belief system is built on a sound foundation of these things. If you are experiencing poverty, illness, and difficulty, then your beliefs are rooted in these things. If you don’t like what you are experiencing, shift your beliefs. If you like your life, strengthen your beliefs. It is that simple. And that complicated. You decide.
Committed to reminding you of the Love Energy within you, focusing on that energy, and then magnifying it.
I always welcome your thoughts, questions, and comments.
Feel free to jot down what you’re thinking in the comment box below.
So true! Love this. It’s important to remember to align ourselves with what we want to have. As Danielle LaPorte says, the journey must feel like the destination will.
Oh! Love that quote, Laura.
So true. Beliefs…when I’m experiencing things in life that aren’t headed the way I want them to I take a step back and do just as you’ve said “shift my beliefs.” 🙂
Thank you for sharing, Erin.
Thanks for this reminder after I have experience many challenges in the last six months! Appreciate the heads up just after the Sag New moon as well which is all about expansion and optimism.
Thank you for stopping by, Jakeb. My life be gentle and easeful for you after six months of challenges. Sending love your way.
So true– you decide whether it’s simple or complicated to change the belief system. I think it’s hard partially because we absorb many beliefs as children, and then it may take years to unlearn them. But it’s well worth it, I’ve learned! 🙂
Karo, thank you for sharing your outlook on life.
Hi Angie,
The most difficult part of shifting beliefs is figuring out what it is we’re really telling ourselves. Peeling back the layers of the onion to reveal the assumptions that create self limiting beliefs. It’s very important work you’re doing.
Susan, thank you for your kind words. I guess, in a way, shifting beliefs makes us all out to be “Shreks” because this work is like peeling back layers of the onion! 🙂
This is all so true. The difficult part is to see our power, to know that we are great creators and manifestors. I realized last week that once I believed wholeheartedly in God/Universe. I need to get back to that. And I’m getting there!
Julieanne Case
Always from the heart!
The Reconnective Highway
Reconnecting you to your Original Blueprint, Your Essence, Your Joy| Healing you from the Inside Out |Reconnective Healing | The Reconnection| Reconnective Art |
Julieanne, may your journey back into remembering God/Universe be delightful!
Hi Angie
Yes I totally agree we create our universe, that’s why the answers always lie within us for our next step forward. Beautiful blog thank you xxxx
Miss Jennifer, thank you for letting me know you were here. 🙂