All Aboard!
I have a story that has been rattling around in my head for a few days that I would like to share with you. On the heels of my last few Meditations, it seems fitting… She was born into this world and given a ticket for the grandest train ride in the world. She boarded the appropriate train and took her seat in the suitable car, smiling at the people around her. They welcomed her in and she discovered they also had tickets which were similar to hers. These people were her close friends and family members For a long time, this car was very comfortable and the journey was beautiful. She enjoyed the expedition, watching through the windows the amazing sights as the train rolled through her life. One day she realized there was a car in front of hers. Looking through the door of her car, she watched the people who seem to be celebrating joyfully. Although the people looked like the people in her car, there was a slight difference and she felt curious. There was something about that car that she wanted for herself and she realized she was ready to upgrade her ticket. She went through the necessary protocol for upgrading her ticket. She studied hard. She passed the tests. She labored to understand and complete the essential steps until the day had come that she was finally able to trade up. Surprisingly, when that day arrived a ruckus swept through her car. People were crying and holding tightly to her arms and legs as she stood at the open doorway with her upgraded ticket. She thought her people were going to be happy for her, instead they seemed to be angry and fighting her. She had worked so hard for her new ticket and felt confused that her people were not supporting her. “Don’t go. Don’t go!” They cried. “We love you. If you go we will never see you again.” Her upgraded ticket was going to take her to the next car, away from them. She realized that they were clinging to her because they were afraid to let her go. They liked their car and didn’t want to upgrade. They didn’t want to go through all the required steps to move forward into the next car. They liked it there. Why did things have to change? Couldn’t they just stay the same? She really wanted to go, though. She felt that her journey required the change to the new car and, although she truly loved her people, she knew she must continue forward. So, she stood there, edging her toes toward the open doorway. Her friends and family held on tightly as she leaned out the door, certain of her next step. Taking a deep breath, she leapt through the open door being careful to not glance down at the tracks as they sped past beneath her. The wind buffeted her hair and she felt invigorated with the sensations of flying. She landed in the doorway of her new car and was embraced by her new people. The train continued on and those who chose to stay in the old car found that they still loved their car and were grateful for the times she came back to visit. Day in and day out they mingled and the train rambled through life. She would bring back to her old car stories of her new adventures and new friends. And while many of them chose to remain in the old car, only mingling when she returned, there were those who chose to upgrade too and eventually joined her in the front car. ©Angie K. Millgate 3/1/08 |
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