I started my morning with tears rolling down my face just after laying down for a short catnap about three hours ago. I admit, I am so full of love, gratitude, and excitement as I come down the home stretch, the last 48 hours of projects for my finals in my second to the last semester of my degree. My emotional body is filled to overflowing and my heart is open wide, so things that I would normally experience with a gentle smile and a sigh, now move me to full-on crying.
Tears… they are the body’s most easeful way of moving emotions. I don’t have to know why I’m crying. I don’t need to know which cell memories are being washed away in the salty rivulets coursing down my cheeks. I don’t have to have a slideshow of the memories of the situation I was in when the emotions got bottled there in the ocean of me. I don’t need to know any of that when I am in concert with myself, when I am my own ally. All I need to know is I’m crying… and… it is perfect.
This morning, however, I am fully aware of the reason for my tears. I read a blog post over on offbeatfamilies.com and another drop of awareness, another drop of love, another drop of appreciation was added to the brimming brew of gratitude and I overflowed. I’ve Started Telling My Daughters I’m Beautiful is the holder of such a powerful message. While I’ve heard the cliche “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” I had never stopped to think about the fact that *I* am my own beholder and how I see myself is how everyone sees me.
The funny thing is, I teach that concept all the time – your life is YOUR creation, your relationships are a direct reflection of your relationship with YOU. I teach it. I know it. And, I had forgotten. This post was a reminder of that universal truth – YOU are what YOU think YOU are.
Thank you, Amanda, for writing a post that moved me to overflowing, that reminded me of my Divinity within and for whispering oh so lovingly that *I* have the power to change the course of my life.