The skies are so black today and the atmosphere feels onimous… omminous… what the hell is the word?!?! The atmosphere feels OM-I-NOUS (portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious: an ominous bank of dark clouds.) Yes. That’s it. It feels ominous. (Okay… that just looks wrong. Still.)
The brain fart totally took away from the scene set-up there. So… well, it’s raining. Ta-da. Much more boring than I had wanted this post to be.
And, with that, I am going to stop because I am having difficulty stringing words together this morning. For a writer, that is a bad sign. Perhaps I have had too much coffee and chocolate? (Can one have too much coffee and coffee? Is there truly such a thing? Perhaps for coffee, yes. But chocolate? Oh please say it isn’t so.)
Ye-eah. I am outta here. This is pathetic…
Oh… and… this week’s Meditation is live and available: Beautiful Surprise.