I have been working on a project for over 6 hours tonight. It is almost 1:00 am. I am exhausted, nowhere near done and feeling angry. The original project was done to specification and “they” didn’t like it. The guidelines were sketchy, the two partners couldn’t agree on anything and we are now back to square one, trying to get done something that had a deadline two days ago.
I am learning every moment now how important it is to be clear in my communication. Through others who are teaching me what it feels like to try to interpret unrefined details and indecisiveness, I have learned more about how I want to communicate with the world.
I am praying that my energy will maintain for the next couple hours so I can complete. I am praying that, when I am done, I won’t feel hateful. And I hope that I will be able to sleep. Sometime. Tomorrow. Or, I guess that would be today.
Or, I guess I could listen to my friend who used to always say, “I can sleep all I need to sleep after I’m dead.”