Are you aware of the many ways the Universe interacts with you? Are you paying attention to how people show up in your world, what they are offering you, and what they bring into your world? Are you receiving the GIFTS of being human?
For five years, now, I have worked as an Intuitive Reader and Energy Healer at a locally owned import store, Dancing Cranes Imports. It is my passion to do this work and to hold space for those who are looking for healing to be guided to me. And doing so in such a lovely place increases my joy, exponentially. Because I have been here so long, many of the employees of the store and the café that is within the store know me well. Many of them have sat with me for their own readings. I adore all of them and enjoy interacting them when we have a moment.
Recently, I had experienced an incredibly busy morning that included being immersed in a 4-hour long high-powered business networking seminar that was all at once empowering and overwhelming. As sometimes happens with me, earthly time made no sense as I was getting ready to leave for the day and when I looked at the clock – standing there half-dressed and without having had breakfast yet – it told me that I should have left five minutes ago.
Throwing on my clothes, grabbing all the things I needed for the day, and dashing out the door, I got on the road and was on my way. All without breakfast.
Now, one thing I have come to learn about myself is that food is actually a requirement for me to remain upright and clear. I know when I’ve pushed myself beyond my human limits as far as food is concerned, but as I drove toward the seminar, I checked in and saw that I was going to be okay to eat after the event. My body actually is capable of using energy as a fuel source. However, I also know that when I do that, I must follow that process with actual food.
I made an agreement with my body that I would feed her at 12:30, when the event was complete.
The event ran 35 minutes over.
This meant that I was now rushing to get to my next appointment. This meant I had two choices: skip eating, again -OR- stop for lunch and arrive late for the next appointment.
An interesting thing happened in that moment. I chose to be on time, knowing that the café in the place where I work produces some of the most lovely food AND they are willing to make me avocado toast whenever I need it. I shared that reminder with my body.
She happily agreed.
At the Crane, I sat up my area, joyfully considering the thought of avocado toast and knowing how happy it was going to be in my mouth. My body was singing when I walked over to the café to order it. On the way, I took my door signage and tape to hang it up. Inside the café, I sat my tape holder on the counter while I filled my water bottle and talked with my friend there. I asked him if they had the makings of the delectable avocado toast, but he couldn’t remember all the ingredients. I glanced at the person who I sensed had just stepped up and grinned.
“She can probably help you remember,” I said to him as one of the other lovely chefs stepped up to talk to us.
I didn’t see that she had her hand outstretched toward me.
She began explaining the recipe to him while, at the same time, she reached toward my tape container.
Playfully, I said, “That’s mine. Don’t touch it.” With a sweep of my hand that made no contact with hers, I imaginarily swatted away her touch.
Without missing a beat and playing right along dramatically, Courtney’s eyes grew very big and her mouth formed a surprised “OH!” as her eyebrows raised and she took several steps back from me, her face wearing a mock look of shock and horror.
Her hand was still stretched toward me. She had made a special effort to cut a sample from a recipe she had just completed, put it on a toothpick, and walk out of the kitchen to find me because she knows I love vegan treats and when she tries out a new recipe, she shares it with me to get my feedback.
I had overridden my body, so my brain was not functioning at full capacity. Therefore, I did not notice that my cute friend was offering me sweet treats. I could only focus on one thing at a time and I wasn’t expecting sweet treats, so it didn’t even register on my radar.
I noticed the gift when she glanced down at it emphatically and said with a teasing grimace, “I just came bearing gifts of peanut butter almond fudge…”
We all burst out laughing because Courtney’s willingness to follow the energy of teasing play provided, in one split second, some of the most powerful lessons of the day…
First, sometimes humans miss the gifts when we are not expecting them, or when they look differently than we are expecting them to.
Second, sometimes the sweetest gifts are offered to us from the heart and we bat them away.
Third, sometimes humans are so focused on other things, that we miss the quiet gifts that are lovingly offered to us. Sometimes, the universe will offer up the gift again, emphasizing the presence of the gift. But, sometimes, the universe will take several steps back and the gift will no longer be in reach.
Fourth, if you have the proper playmates, any situation can be a playful and empowering learning experience.