In Salt Lake County, the proposed zoning laws are for regulating Reiki healers, but they are looking at regulating ALL Energy work, so this applies to every energy healing and energy blessing modality. Please share this with your networks. When you do, tag me in your post so that I can track the names there too.
I am inspired to draw us together in person so everyone can be updated at once and so I can field your questions, concerns, and ideas to present to the council. Who is interested in attending a brainstorming event in the evening within the next couple weeks? Please speak out so I can plan on size of room.
If you are interested in participating, please start a roll call in the comments. I’m excited to see where this will lead us!
Thank you.
I have started the beginning phases of uniting Energy Workers & Utah Lawmakers by creating a group that is specifically for the Energy Workers on Facebook. Please stop by, read through the commitments that we will be upholding and, if it feels like a match for you, add yourself to the group: Energy Healers & Light Workers of Utah
photo credit: AlicePopkorn via photopin cc