In sessions with me, my clients and I have worked on a plethora of topics. I have intensive experience with clients who are looking for support in…
- Pain management and improved quality of life throughout chemotherapy in Stage 4 Breast cancer.
- Healing from sports injuries.
- Processing and releasing recurrent patterns resulting from child abuse.
- Processing and releasing recurrent patterns resulting from sexual abuse.
- Healing physical, spiritual, emotional and mental injuries resulting from domestic violence.
- Releasing generational patterns and DNA programming.
- Releasing and recovering from substance addiction (specific, on-going work with rehabilitating Meth users).
- Creating and understanding self-esteem and developing powerful self-love.
- Understanding dreams.
- Waking up to their divine purpose.
- Relaxing, rejuvenating and regrouping.
Awakening Sessions are a powerful tool in supporting my clients in creating the life they yearn for.