Are you clear enough for yourself to be clear for others?
When I was just first out of the closet as a magical wielder of energy and healing, I balked at the idea of “elevator speeches.” I *hated* the idea of narrowing down into a concise sentence what it was that I did, exactly. Honestly, it was mostly because I really had NO idea what I was capable of – or what I *wanted* to do. I also didn’t want to “limit” myself to a target audience. I wanted to help E V E R Y O N E!
So, for a long time, I continued to refuse to get clear on what it was that I did, what I wanted to do, and who I am here to serve. I kept telling myself that the more vague I made it, the more I could attract.
I have discovered – through trial and error – that the exact opposite is truth.
The clearer I’ve become about WHO I serve, WHAT I want to do, WHERE I actually serve, (meaning, realizing that I AM human on Earth), WHY I do what I do, WHEN I want to work (meaning that it is NOT necessary to be energetically available for all of humanity 24/7 and I get to decide WHEN I am available), and HOW I do what I do… the clearer I got on all that, the more I am able to CLEARLY and CONCISELY respond to someone who is seeking help and serve them efficiently.
It has also refined my senses in that I now know how to ask questions to understand whether the person in front of me actually REALLY wants my work, or if I need to refer them on.
And, while I’m talking about referring on… that used to be something I was wary of. Why would I want to send a client (and their money) to someone else???
The answer is plain and simple, my friends… I know WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN, and HOW about what I do so I know that I actually serve a very distinct sector of humanity and I also know that many humans are not ready for my work, but those that are know without a shadow of a doubt that The Phoenix and the work I do is who and what they have been seeking. It has eliminated the discomfort of doing something I am not designed to do and it has, finally, created a bounce-off effect for everyone whose energy is out of alignment with me.