
Knowing Myself

The red SUV sped almost past me on the right side of the freeway in rush hour traffic. Then, almost as abruptly, slammed on their brakes and slowed considerably so […]

Prisoners of War

Prisoners of War Driving to work the other morning, I was behind a vehicle with a specialized license plate which had the letters POW, followed by some numbers and the […]

Love Me Not

A couple of the bloggers in the Talk Thursday circle posted comments on my TT post from Thursday, which sparked an angry fire in me. Now, this is no reflection […]

The Good News is In!

HE IS HOME!!!!! HE’S HOME! HE’S SAFE! I love you, Cousin! Thank you for being such an honorable man! He served honorably in the 116th Convoy Security Company and has […]


There is nothing like a funeral to contrast the aliveness I feel in my life. In supporting my friend, JulieAnn, yesterday by attending her mother’s funeral, I realized that funerals […]

Meditation of the Week

This week’s Meditation In My Wildest Dreams is now available online.May you have a blessed day.With love,Angie var googleSearchIframeName = ‘googleSearchUnitIframe’; var googleSearchFrameWidth = 700; var googleSearchFrameborder = 0 ; […]

The Long Rest

Saturday was an incredible gift to myself. A few months ago, a new client walked into my life and she has forever changed me. I love it when that happens! […]


It is a beautiful day outside.My Reiki party was astounding yesterday. Got rave reviews. Had a blastI feel blessed today.That is all. 🙂 var googleSearchIframeName = ‘googleSearchUnitIframe’; var googleSearchFrameWidth = […]