
Talk Thursday?

So, it’s Friday. My Talk Thursday piece is still sitting in my laptop. Nice. I am aware that I broke a commitment to myself. After a 40-minute drive home last […]

A Little Man

There is a little man that walks up and down the street where I work. For the two years we have been in this office space, I have seen this […]

It’s Official!

Today…I am loving who I am.I am loving what I do.I am loving what I have.I appreciate that each new day is an opportunity to make new choices. Even moment […]

Good Morning?

I discovered this on Alice’s blog… You are 11:59 a.m. You are late-sleepy relaxation, the half-awake moment when you realize it’s morning, but you don’t have to get up, because […]


And so, it begins. Today is my first NEW (and paying!) client in a long, long time. I feel excited and happy about that and look forward to the abundance […]


I haven’t really gotten involved in the political world here in my blog. In fact, I believe there has only been one post specifically about this particular election year. I […]

Oprah & Me

One of my regular readers is my father’s wife. This morning, as I was getting ready for the day, she was in sitting at her computer, quietly doing her thing. […]


ClingingEach year, it is a requirement that my daughter participate in her school’s science fair. She and I spend endless hours brainstorming fabulous science project ideas a year in advance. […]