It has been brought to my attention that I have, pretty much, fallen out of blogger land. Indeed, this is true. I mentioned this to one of my new business partners and she said, “Perhaps your blog was how you tolerated your life prior to actually living your life.” I have thought about that for awhile. It could be true. I could be true that I had created a life so disappointing that the only place I found solace was in my own head, in the words that I would write.
Before, when I was a regular blogger, I was doing so while being completely out of integrity through the act. The blogging was done while at work. Granted, I was salary. Granted I really worked oodles of hours that more than sufficiently covered the time I would spend blogging. However, I was still at work. There was still “work” stuff that could have been done during the time I was dedicating to blogging.
I miss that time. Not the place, not the work, not the employer. I do, however, really miss the regular blogging. I loved the opportunity I made for myself (took from my boss) to write every day. It did bring me peace. It did help me process a lot of what I was going through. It did help me to vent and get it out.
Now, though, my life is beautiful. I create every moment of my life to be exactly as I want it to be. I find myself surprised that I am living my genius AND paying my bills. I never really thought it was possible. Even when I leapt into thin air, not knowing if I would die or live, and left that comfortably miserable regular paycheck, I had no idea what I was going to do. I had heard it said that people can live in their genius, follow their bliss and be joyful all the while meeting their financial responsibilities. I had heard it, but I hadn’t believed it.
I am here to tell you. It’s real!
And, I am breathing and laughing and living. I think often of blogger land and believe there will come a time when I am back here again on a regular basis. And when that time comes, it will be because there are so many AMAZING things that I just HAVE to share.
Just so you know… I have made a commitment to myself. I commit to live in my joy and nowhere else ever again. There is no way I can go back now.
I am so grateful to be alive.