Press play for a special treat! Ha!
One of my most all time hated songs is, “The Christmas Shoes” by NewSong. When the story behind this song first was released through viral emails about ten years ago, I was moved and tearful. On the first three readings. After about the tenth time it showed up in my inbox, I wanted to barf. Then, much to my horror, some one hit wonder made it into a song. Lord help me! Now, each time it comes on my radio, I groan and quickly change the station. There are three stations here in Utah that have been playing Christmas music pretty much full time since November 1st. The other day I experienced the uncomfortable discovery that different versions of this horrific song were playing on all three stations at the same time!!! Ugh…
And with that background given, the plot thickens…
The one thing I have always loved about my former husband is his great, big tender heart. Most times, it is hidden beneath a jagged, thick, prickly exterior that is generally difficult to see through or around. Most often, he acts gruff and uncaring.
However, I know him to be kind, generous and incredibly loving.
Most people don’t see him that way and, frankly, I forget it too. Until something like this happens.
I got a text at 7:00 am this morning that read…
I’m sitting in front of 7-11 bawling my eyes out listening to the song, “Sir, I want to buy these shoes”. Today I am happy…… 🙂
Boy! Has that song taken on a whole new meaning for me now!