Dear MegaBeth~
After much thought, meditation and visualization regarding what to do next with ALC, I have come to a decision. Even without reading the documentation you two have prepared! 🙂
I feel really strongly that I must continue on with ALC, if you will have me. I am interested in the Street Creds as a Life Coach, as well as the business building ideas that you spoke of at graduation. I am also interested in completion of the full cycle. I felt a little half-baked after last year’s course, mostly because I personally went in a bit skeewompas to begin with. I have a much clearer understanding of what to expect from the course AND myself this year, which will be beneficial.
The money is the one stitch for me. Honestly, I am scared about that commitment. I *have* to get a place of my own this year and that will require lots of money, as well. AND I am willing to be open to my money situation looking/feeling/being different. I am wondering about how I can do ALC AND get my home, easefully and with laughter.
I imagine that you two are a bit leery to go into another money agreement with me. I, too, am nervous. I went in last year with the best intentions (although completely unconscious and unaware of where I was financially) and I tanked big time. I commit to playing full out where ALC is concerned and where my money is concerned. I commit to staying conscious where my money is concerned, as well. Good news is, I know EXACTLY where I am financially right now. And, while it is not as pretty as I had hoped it would be by now, I DO know where I am. And I do know that, given where I am at this very exact moment, I can financially afford to do ALC this year.
I want you to know how much I value what I have learned at your feet. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow and play with the two of you. And I feel it is important to say that this is no light commitment I am making, financially. It is important to me to complete ALC AND it is important that I move forward financially AND I am open to my money situation being so much better by year end AND having a home to call my own ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I would appreciate your support, as well as ALC’s, in helping me to achieve this great undertaking!
I love you guys and feel blessed to have you in my life. Let me know if this is all acceptable with the two of you.
With love,
That is a letter I posted to my mentors last night – feeling excited and scared and happy all at the same time. I am excited for this adventure! I commit to playing full out and being open to changing my relationship with money exponentially.
And, as a reminder for myself…