There is a certain energy that a person puts off when they want something for which an exchange of money is usually expected, but they have no money to give. Usually, I shut it down immediately because there is a strong “take” energy that invasively and insidiously pulls from me.
Today, when I sensed it, I went on the defense, but it felt different than before. I was defensive, but something in me was completely curious. Then, I heard Spirit literally whisper into my mind, “My child, shut your mouth, open your heart, listen intently with all of you, and open your eyes to truly see. If you are patient, if you truly ARE love, wait and you will be shown.”
The guidance was SO clear and SO unmistakable, I would have been a fool to ignore it, but I have known to be a fool from time to time. This time though, curiosity won out and I just breathed and listened. Thus ensued 90 minutes – or 90 centuries – of the most spectacular, indescribable, powerful, transformative, communion I have EVER experienced with anyone, let alone with an utter stranger.
After Jackson, this young man, played with my deck of cards for several minutes, pulling out nine for himself and doing his own reading, which blew me away, he then began just rambling. He shared with me about his life, telling me intimate details of his younger years that caused my heart to squeeze and twist. He told me of his heartbreak, how he thought he would die through it, and what it felt like to come back to life. The more he told me, the deeper I listened, the more he told, the deeper I listened. And he spiraled deeper and deeper into his truths, my heart expanding and growing with every breath.
I think he realized that he could throw anything and everything at me and I would receive it all with love, without judgment, and without withdrawal, so then, shyly, he opened his gifts to me and showed me all of him.
He channeled messages of answers to countless questions I have thrown to the Universe as of late, recited poetry, and shared his philosophy about everything from dimensional travel to molecular structures to past lives. He blessed me – literally laying his hands on mine at one point and then, at another, upon the moonstone pendant I wore today – and called down the Heavens to bless me, evoking deities whose names were familiar, loving memories. He sang for me. He spoke in languages my head did not know, but my soul immediately recognized. He saw into me and into my Soul. He healed old wounds and relaxed my worry. He calmed my fears and soothed my pain. He called forth my Light in ways I have never experienced and expanded my ability to Love.
And then we held one another, heart-to-heart, and breathed together. I didn’t want to let go of him. It was like another part of Home had found its way to me and I didn’t want it to end. It was such a beautiful blessing, for which I am profoundly grateful.
When he left me, I wandered onto the Galaxy art in the entrance of Dancing Cranes to find Julian so I could mutter only a few words to someone about the majesty I had witnessed. I couldn’t put it all into words – still can’t. But, for those few, brief moments, she communed with me and allowed me to BE.
As I did for Jackson he did for me as I did for him as Julian did for me as I have done for Julian.
THIS, my friends, THIS communion IS what we are here to do.
It IS the way.