With this mentoring program I am doing, there was an invitation set forth to the group which brought some fear and happiness to me all at the same time. That combo of feelings is so curious, by the way!
Gay suggested we make a commitment to put our creativity first. He gave us a suggestion about how the commitment could be worded and then asked it to make it fit ourselves. I came up with:
I commit to actively being in my creativity every day prior to doing my ordinary tasks.
There was such liberation in the moment that I landed that commitment. I felt excited and as though I had infinite possibilities. Then, I felt scared… what if I can’t do it? What if there is just not enough time in the day to get everything else I need to also get done? I am already so busy, how am I going to find the time to do that?
I know, though, that it is possible.
I also realized one very important thing…
I am my creativity. It is my essence. Commiting to be in my essence before anything else each day puts myself first. I know that, when I do that, my life flows more smoothly and I am able to accomplish so much more than I thought I could do.