One of the most difficult aspects of what I do is sharing a message that the person in front of me simply DOES NOT want to hear. Because of my design, many people show up in front of me that are in the “death” stage of something. Sometimes, it is a “death” that they THINK happened long ago, but it never completed. One of these areas of incomplete death is in relation to substance abuse – specifically meth.
Today, someone made an appointment with me – I will call this person Jo and maybe change the gender to protect this person’s identity. When Jo called, she was excited to have a session with me and because she was so excited, I imagined that meant she knew what I did. In hindsight, even though I explained to her what I do, I don’t think she really understood what I do. Any of it. She was so sad and I wanted to comfort her, but she wasn’t open to receiving comfort. She wasn’t open to receiving love. She wasn’t open to receiving anything, really, and it confused me as to why she had booked a session with me.
She started out the short session telling me that she was a “failure” in every area of her life. Her shoulders were slumped with shame and pain. She was judging herself so harshly and my heart ached for her. But there was something else going on, something I couldn’t ignore, although I wanted to and I knew that she wanted me to, also.
The moment she sat across from me, I was hit with a meth wave – what it feels like to me when meth is lying in wait in a system. When someone is consciously craving meth – meaning they are actively using and needing a fix – it is only a slightly different sensation from when someone is subconsciously craving meth – meaning they haven’t used for some time, but meth has been activated and is calling out to be fed; they are usually fighting against it, telling themselves, “I am not a user! I am clean!”
This is where Jo was. It took me some time to identify what was going on and she was quite reluctant to get to the truth on any subject – which is another common occurrence with meth. Often, meth users – past or present – think they are okay even when they are not and, sometimes, especially when they are not. While they think they are doing good, they are closed to any sort of support and are unwilling to look at anything and they sure as hell don’t want to interact truthfully. Because it hurts to do so. So they shut down. Jo was unwilling to talk about anything, she was unwilling to look at anything, she was unwilling to explore anything.
I was flummoxed. Why book a session with a reader if you don’t want to talk about or listen to anything?
She kept insisting that the cards would tell her what she needed to hear, which is not how I operate, but I decided to allow that process to play out. She picked her three cards, flipped them over, looked at them, and promptly burst into tears. She couldn’t talk about why she was crying – wouldn’t talk about it. She sat there, giving nothing, taking in nothing, just crying. So, as the clock clicked away the minutes, I decided to go for the very thing she was the most unwilling to look at, the very thing she was hiding.
“Do you use substances?”
“NO!” Her response was so volatile that I knew I had hit it. And I knew that it wasn’t going to be pretty.
I held space there, breathing, and thinking one word: “Truth.”
She spilled the beans, revealing her meth use “long ago” and declared, “But we don’t have to talk about that! I tell you! We DON’T! I! AM! CLEAN!”
Methinks the woman doth protesteth too much…eth…
Her Guides were standing behind her, their arms crossed, heads bowed sadly, shaking their heads. Her energy was zinging all over the place. Her heart energy was breaking to a gazillion pieces. And she was unwilling to look at any of it.
The timer went off, but Spirit nudged me – literally tapped my back forcefully – and guided me to say the very thing she didn’t want to hear.
“Jo,” I started gently, “Sweetie, you need to get some support in energetically clearing your system. You are in immense strain right now and I can feel meth calling to you. Bluntly, I’ve been here before and I’ve watched people spiral out of control and back into use of meth again in the blink of an eye. You must get support.”
“WE DON’T NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS!” She snapped, pushing back from the table. “I AM! CLEAN!”
She wasn’t vocally yelling, but her energy sure was. Something within her was firing out at me, trying to punch me, trying to shut me up. I don’t know if it was her or the myriad of “guests” she was hosting, but it was vile and violent and tragic.
She gave me her money, stood up, and walked away, sniffling with her shoulders stooped further than they were before. She wasn’t ready to hear it, now, but maybe her Guides’ message will seep in over time and maybe she’ll allow herself to get the support she really needs, even though she currently believes she is clean.
When I started doing my healing work out in the world, instead of just at home and with my close friends, some of my first long-term clients were in heroin and meth rehabilitation. Through the nearly two-year-long process of supporting them, clearing them, and doing healing work to disengage the energetics of those substances, I gained a very deep and abiding understanding of the power of these drugs, the level of utter destruction programmed within them (immediately, on one hit of meth), and their longevity to exist in a human system. I got to see the energetics of meth and, honestly, it is one of the powers of darkness that DOES terrify me. Mostly because of its seemingly unstoppable and formidable abilities.
Meth is programmed to destroy humans. It reprograms DNA and creates an instantaneous NEED for the substance once it hits the system. This dangerously genius drug is created to lodge in the human cells, awaiting stress to reactivate it. There are a few, select people on this planet that can dabble in meth for a limited amount of time and get out scott-free. Very few of them. The rest of the humans, however, are not so blessed and the result of that is people who are hooked with only one hit. Forever. Unless they do specific clearing work.
Another aspect of Methamphetamine that I personally uncovered and have heard no one else talk about is the fact that it cracks the human’s energy body. It cracks them open, the soul goes wandering about, and it leaves the empty vehicle – the human body – there to receive any disembodied being that happens to be hanging around. Some of the side effects of crystal meth are extreme paranoia, a sensation of being watched, and hearing voices. This occurs because of that “cracking” power of the drug. When someone uses meth, they become host to whatever creature is around, which explains why meth houses have energy that is so dark and heavy: disembodied beings, entities, and negatively-focused spirits hang out there, waiting for the next person to crack open. Being watched and hearing voices happens because of the housing plan that comes with meth.
Because of the way I am designed, I FEEL when substances are in someone’s system and can name most substances by what is going on in their energy. It feels different when someone is currently high on meth versus recently high on meth versus consciously craving meth versus subconsciously fighting against meth. When someone believes they are no longer a meth user, but haven’t gone through all the layers of healing – all nine layers of the human experience: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, karmically, psychically, energetically, sexually, and financially – then they are left with dormant meth energy in their system that can, literally, be activated too easily.
Stress is an ever-present trigger in society and those with meth in their system are at significant risk for relapse, constantly, especially when they remain in friendship, intimate relationships, or work situations wherein the meth was present at one time – or still is for other people in those environments. Sadly, no matter how “healthy” the person believes they are, unless they have done radical energy clearing, they are still at risk.
I have seen what meth can do. I’ve been shown what it does metaphysically. It’s part of the reason I am so apprehensive about its presence here on this planet. I’ve experienced what it does to the human body, the soul, and the DNA. I have seen how it rewires humans and how it is passed on to their offspring, even if they haven’t used it for years. I have witnessed the dehumanizing effect of it and I can honestly say that I have yet to find one positive aspect of this drug. Granted, it does help a user lose weight – because they go non-stop for days on end without sleep or food, so they are literally starving to death – but that comes at such a high cost that I cannot say wholeheartedly that it is a benefit.
Meth is a drug that has been programmed with hate. It strips the human of what makes that human, human. It takes away the ability to emote, the ability to connect, and eventually, even, the ability to live. It is a mean drug and while this planet is an at-will place where choice powers our life, my awareness is that meth is a choice for a harrowing life with terrifying jaunts into the most dangerous of metaphysical realms and certain dehumanization that most often leads to death. Meth is the furthest energy from Love. Meth is the antithesis of self-care.
I strongly invite anyone and everyone who has dabbled with meth to get some intensive energy healing with someone who knows what they are doing. I imagine there are others like me out there, but if you are unable to find someone, reach out to me.
Choose you. Choose love.
I hope that you find the information I am sharing about meth to be helpful. Let me remind you of a few things and close with my traditional invitations from this series of articles about meth:
- Everything I teach comes with these three rules: Always check in with yourself as you’re learning new things to make sure it is in alignment with what you know to be true. Question everything. And TRUST YOURSELF.
- This information I am providing is to help humans understand a topic that is so not understood on this planet. It is a new point of view and new points of view can be scary. The stuff I share is not a scare tactic or a doomsday prophecy, so if you’re feeling scared about anything I’ve written in these articles about meth, see #1.
- Nothing in these articles about meth is meant to dissuade you from seeking assistance in rehabilitating from the detrimental physical and psychological aspects of meth. Seeking the assistance of medical professionals and therapists are two of the three components required in healing from meth; energy healing is the third.
If you love someone who is using meth, it is an emotional roller coaster that defies logic. Meth came from realms of darkness and those of us in this realm cannot comprehend the constructs of absolute darkness, so the experience of meth will never make sense. Those who are enthralled with its energy cannot see clearly, be reasoned with, or be called to repentance. Loving them will not save them. Enabling them endangers you. They will rob you, hurt you, damage your property, and have no idea they are doing any of it, most of the time – and in the moments when their cognizance is razor sharp and they are fully aware of their every action, it is even more terrifying. Do everything you can to remain safe. My best advice is to love them from afar and shore yourself up for an ugly ending. I wish I could say it more gently than that, but sometimes the truth is far from pretty.
If you are someone who has been caught in Meth’s grasp and are ready to liberate yourself, please find a doctor, a therapist, and a rehab clinic. Get working in those arenas and then reach out to me. Before I can begin considering working with anyone, they must be at least 90 days clean and have completed or be currently enrolled in some sort of professionally-guided recovery program. There is support awaiting you; you need only ask.
My articles about meth:
Crystal Meth Changes You In Ways You’ve Never Been Told
Stuff Most People Don’t Know About Crystal Meth
Some More Stuff Most People Don’t Know About Crystal Meth
A Little More About Crystal Meth
Hi Angie,
Thank you for sharing your writings . You have so powerfully discibed the nightmare of meth addiction in such an articulate and accurate way. I way involved with someone addicted to meth for several months. I thought he was sober at first, but eventually the truth came out . It caused him to act in opposition to his morals. A kind and talented man ! It’s very confusing to me to understand, because the person he was isn’t he person he is . Whatever he is channeling now doesn’t care about me or my wellbeing and would drag me down into the hell of addiction with him and wouldn’t care. He acts like he cares .but the lies and manipulation are endless. I tried to motivate him to get treatment to no avail, so eventually I had to kick him out of my house because I was in danger of becoming addicted. As soon as I stoped the denial game and went for the truth to see if he was ready to give it up the “meth demon” went after me.
Everyone has advised me to stay away, I think that is best right now. I’m having a hard time letting go of him and moving on with my life. I sleep as much as I can , I want to get back to working towards my goals in life , it’s been a struggle.
I’m interested in your services, I want to release any of his residual energy and the drug energy from my space .
Thank you .
I am grateful you found something beneficial in this article. I would be honored to be of service to you in releasing yourself from the clutches of meth. If you are in Utah, I recommend scheduling an in-person session:
If you live outside of Utah and cannot get here, I also do remote work, which can be scheduled here:
I recommend at least three sessions for the beginning processes of clearing of meth. Sometimes, meth can take up to a year of consistent work to clear. Book the first session through the link and then we can discuss what needs to happen moving forward when we meet that first time.
In the meantime, remember… keep breathing.
With love,
It’s like u describe but I believe mine to be a little different and maybe like a few times worse I need help plzzz
Victor, I’m sorry to hear that you are in a situation that feels worse than what I’ve described in this article. I hope you are able to find the help you are seeking.
Interesting article.. I wanted to learn the specifics if meth use metaphysically. I feel like I’m often misunderstood because of my free spirited nature but its noticeable that theres been a lot of misunderstandings where I’d make someone uncomfortable and it’s just bizarre to me, even after explaining myself they cant just be “ohhhh ok” and laugh it off it’s like they don’t want to believe me. These are often new acquaintences I’m speaking of btw and people I’d want to work with professionally/creatively so it’s like a case of unfortunate luck. Like being Larry david in a way lol. I’ve done it in small doses over the last 5 months or so more as a tool as my work /creative flow seems to be more demanding and inwas intending to use it more productively during this time. I brush my teeth often but intend to get a check up and maybe a prescription of adderall. I’d like to ween off it when I have the time to spare or replace w adderall bc I’m terrified of the thought of cracks in the aura and my beautiful soul leaking. I’m a very ambitious and passionate person with intentions of light and connection in this world. Appreciate any/all advice. I take hapé snuff often throughout day, sananga and G.. maybe the first two help balance it since these are medicines blessed by shamans of amazon.welcome to get in touch please..
Thank you so much for writing this article. I have no objection to any of this hypothesis. I am a child of the universe and believe there is no space I or Me and selfish instant gratification in our beautiful and powerful universe. There is only One and we are one. We have a responsibility to love and care for our minds and bodies. That being said … I am a meth user of 18 years. I have completed treatment twice within the past 5 years but something so powerful keeps me isolated and infected by the daily use of Meth. It is dangerous! I don’t like it and the anger I feel and resentment towards love I have. Your perception on the dark World of Meth abuse is enough for me to say…enough is enough! I quit! I put down the meth pipe and I made an appointment with my medical provider to get help I will need to protect my human mind and body from the darkness that surrounds my reality. I have always been a spiritual person and put a lot of stock in this blind faith I have for God and the universe. I do meditate daily and visualize a protective shell that encapsulates me and shields me from the unwanted evil energy that run wild searching for isolated and damaged souls to torment. Thank you for your insight. It might have saved my life.
I am grateful my article spoke to something within you. May you be blessed on your journey of liberation.
Just want to start with saying that before I came across your webpage all the self finding part of my personality would be asking myself hard questions that many people even people with no substance abuse have a hard time answering honestly and I came to the findings that love but not just any Love but specifically UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all life on earth helps with the imbalance that the darkness has caused within… I had and still have a demon that I’ve been able to identify and since then has not been able to trick me into believing what the demon is trying to trick me into thinking and then turning that thought the demon put in my head and then to carry that thought into action has ended and it helped me find my faith I had totally abandoned when I got into high school I was honestly embarrassed about telling anyone that I even went to church every week for many years of my childhood. And I have been attending a church where I know I was ment to be bc fate or it was one of the many purposes of this truly most important person to come into my life in the past 5 years or so since my addiction to this drug began…and challenged me truly conquer the demon associated with addiction to meth and went out of his way to call his old pastor at his old church to see if he would come pick me up every week to attend that church but it was 20mi drive and I have no car and later that day the pastor came by and and have started to return my inner self to balance out the darkness with light … the TRUTH IS what most call God or HP higher power…. and that The DEVIL IS A LIAR…but I do suffer from a fragmented soul bc I was involved heavily in the streets and violence and pain was happening all the time and had brainwashed to believe in the street mentality just up until recently I let that go and I have been using drugs since 16 and now am going on 32….7 years of a on off addiction to meth but 1 part of the unharmed section the fragment soul had reconennected spirituality to God. But there is also a part of the fragmented soul that is hurting from trauma that I have inner batter going on within myself to stay clean or say 1 day wond hurt
Dear Addicted Empath,
May your heart be at peace. May your journey turn down a more gentle path. And may you know that you are truly a blessing to this planet. I am sending you Love.