Because I am an author myself, I understand how powerful it is to publish your own book. I know what it feels like to have that baby in your hand, after the time, energy, sweat, tears, and laughter have gone into the creation of it. I know what that feels like. I know what it means. And, as a designer, I REALLY love being part of the editing and layout process of another person’s book. I am honored when another author trusts me with their baby to help them bring it into the world. When they enroll me in their dream of seeing this book in print, being able to touch it. When they are willing to release the nurturing and care of their infant into my hand so I can bring it to life for them. So very cool! Ya wanna play too?
If you are interested in hiring me to edit your copy, design your cover, and layout your book, I would love to hear from you! angiekmillgate – at –