If you have been here following my blog for awhile, you may have heard me use the word “chivels.” If you’ve been with me since 2006, when I began the blogging experiment, then you may already know what “chivels” are. As my real world and e-world expand, there are new people that are coming into my Tribe that may not be familiar with the term. I thought I would share it here for ya’all to get to know it.
The word “chivels” came about one evening in the middle of a personal process in one of my trainings. Something amazing and transformational was happening and my body reacted vibrantly. I’m not sure what I was trying to say, exactly, but I got all my mords wixed (words mixed) – which happens often when I’m in the space of transformation – and it came out as “chivels.”
Chivels are my body’s reaction to Truth and Light. It happens when I’m in a space of realizing, experiencing, or speaking a divine truth or being witness to someone else doing the same. The sensations start in my sacrum – the big triangular bone at the base of your spine. It is an internally audible and visceral sensation of electricity that gathers in that bone and then explodes in all directions at once. The energy instantaneously shoots through my body to my toes and fingers while, at the same time, it climbs my spine, swirling around the vertebrae. When it hits my occiput – the ridge at the bottom of your skull – and my top vertebrae at the same time, my head ignites in fire. While all of this is happening, my hair all over my body stands on end, my nipples harden, I experience intense and visible shivers, and I get killer goosebumps. This entire experience happens in a split second and, depending on the depth of Truth and Light, can last up to a couple minutes.
I once heard it said that goosebumps are a sign that your soul has stepped up closely to whisper the truth upon your neck. I think I can agree with that.
Those who know me well or have worked with me for some time are now using this word and I grin every time one of them says it because it is such a descriptive word of a very unique physical reaction. I invite you to incorporate this word in your life, but more importantly… incorporate the sensation! Invoke Truth and Light, be willing to be witness to it, be willing to experience it. And, when you do experience chivels, let me know what ya think!
photo credit: MaryLane via photopin cc
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