If I had a system that we could put in place for your business that could turn a free e-book into sales, grow your list, and create an evergreen product (meaning ongoing money forever), would you be interested?
Now, if I told you that I could build that system for you and have you up and running so you could launch this at the first of the year and you had to do none of the techy stuff, would you be interested?
The Proposal:
I’m running a 2-month program that is fast and exciting! This program is meaty. Lots of front-end work that never needs to be tweaked after it’s launched – which I LOVE!
We take a simple e-book or report or video series (whether it’s free or inexpensive) and then we walk your interested clients through the process of purchasing packages with you or workshops or support, etc.
I would support you in brainstorming the content, I would put together the content – design your e-book – for each level we go through. All in all, there are, at least, 4 levels. We would structure it for you. This is a program that provides you hands-on support for designing a sustainable sales funnel that continues to grow. I do all the tech work, the design-layout work, you provide the content. It’s a masterful team play in a concentrated amount of time which will provide a solid foundation for launching a program in two months. Gives time for you to generate content, process emotions, AND be ready for a financially viable 2014!
I have openings for FOUR of you that are interested, willing, ready, and able to invest in your future. First come first served. Contact me via email through the form below.
photo credit: tanakawho via photopin cc
I always welcome your thoughts, questions, and comments.
Feel free to jot down what you’re thinking in the comment box below.