Yesterday, I pulled up behind a vehicle with the back window covered in stickers and a large advertisement for learning CPR. My eyes followed the flow of the large, brightly colored text until they settled on an iconic image in a contrasting color much akin to this:
Beneath that image, were the words: Heroes are not born; they are trained.
Ain’t it the truth, I thought as I snickered. As an energy healer, this advertisement took on an entirely different meaning for me than was intended by the decorator of that car. When we are born, we are a clean slate, free from beliefs, practices and thought patterns. These things are taught to us by our caregivers, our culture and by those we interact with on a regular basis as a child.
Being a hero, villain or victim is a learned response generated through our upbringing. Heroes are children who needed to be the Peacekeeper and make sure everyone in their life was happy and well cared for. They are the Fixers and the Rescuers that kept all the plates spinning in the air to avoid catastrophic events. They learned to always keep a watchful eye, being ever-prepared to jump in and save the day. Whatever the reason was, as a child, being a Hero kept them safe.
Our childhood patterns were productive when they were conceptualized because they were the end result of a deductive process by a person who had yet developed the neuropathways for logical reasoning. It could so happen that a toddler once reached down – because she was closer to the shiny object than her mother – to get a spoon dropped by her mother and she received much praise for doing as was asked of her when her mother held out her hand and requested the spoon. In that moment, the thought process began, if I help mommy by doing things for her, she’s really happy and likes me.
Through all my years working as a healer, I can attest to the truth of that bumper sticker. Heroes are not born; they are taught. And, as a healer, I repeatedly say, “The first step to healing yourself is to become aware of and understand your patterns.” Being open to seeing yourself through an observer’s eye so you can see where you are being a hero, villain or victim is how you begin to uncover your erroneous beliefs that stemmed from your childhood and once made sense, but no longer do.
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