I awoke this morning before the crack of dawn to discover a cool summer’s morning with a smattering of clouds bedecking the gently-bluing sky. The air was fresh and moist as though Mother Nature had just washed the atmosphere clean with a sprinkling of rain. For a moment, I had the sensation that, rather than rolling out of bed, I was actually crawling out of a sleeping bag, in a tent, in the mountains. I was delighted with the body memory of younger, more carefree and playful days and rose from my bed with a grin on my face. It set the tone for the day to come and, so far, it has proved to be a delicious day.
Today I am so appreciating… * the sound of the neighborhood crow that likes to squawk and screech to let us know he is around * the ability to DANCE around my neighborhood to a portable soundtrack (I LOVE my phone!!!) * the way my body feels so alive and sparkly * friends who are willing to go above and beyond * my tribe * being my own boss… even when I’m not bringing in an income at the moment * BBQs * french vanilla almond granola * the quietness of this day * seeing the full moon last night draped in fluffy clouds * the sounds of the neighbor’s sprinklers spurting to life * chocolate.
I am, indeed, so very blessed.