I’m sitting on the floor, beside the bed peering out the slightly-opened window and gazing at Mount Timpanogas as the sun rises. The peaks are lined with an ever-widening golden light, giving them an ethereal feel. I went to bed last night feeling profound sadness that I didn’t understand in regards to the murder of Bin Laden. I tossed and turned all night, my emotions roiling and boiling and bouncing. I had nightmares and woke feeling somber and quiet. I imagine that the survivors of 9/11 and other terror attacks, as well as the families of those who lost loved ones in the subsequent wars, feel some sense of relief and, perhaps, that justice has been served. And to them, I send love. Actually, I send love to everyone around the world. I feel so deeply saddened by the rejoicing over a man’s murder. These are tenuous times and, while people may be believing that his “reign of terror” has come to an end, it’s very possible that it has not. I can’t even begin to imagine what string of events has been ignited with this act. Violence was met with violence. That never ends well…
Today, I am grateful for… * the soldiers who have fought tirelessly for my freedom * the fact that I could wake, albeit somberly, in a warm home, in a bed, freely to see the beautiful blue skies and rising sun * living in America * those who have given their lives throughout the millenniums in the pursuit of international democracy * trusting that all of this is part of the plan, even when I cannot understand the big picture * this tender, gentle, quiet, somber feeling I feel * knowing things will never be the same and feeling, somehow, on some level that isn’t quite conscious, that it makes perfect sense.