I am an EPIC… Empath. Psychic. Intuitive. Creative. I am all of the EPIC traits, and my capacities are off the charts in every area. This means I feel, sense, see, hear, experience, and know things that other Humans are not picking up on AND I do that at a phenomenal level.
Part of the experience of being me is that I can FEEL what the person in front of me is experiencing. Sometimes this gets really disorienting and it is super freaky when the person is on psychotropics or hard recreational drugs. But, when the person is dying or considering suicide, feeling that is like experiencing a giant drain opening up within my system and my entire life force going out in one blink.
I’ve come to understand the power of my ability to FEEL the Humans here. I’ve come to see that, when I sit with someone like I did today – someone with an autoimmune disorder – and I can FEEL the absolute inability to function, the sheer exhaustion, and the complete absence of life force, and I feel myself slumping and needing to take a nap. right. now!, in that moment, my presence is actually buoying up that Human and she doesn’t have to waste her precious energy explaining to me how she feels because I KNOW how she feels; I’m FEELING how she feels!
This journey of understanding my EPIC self has been long and arduous. There have been many times that I’ve contemplated turning off my gifts altogether, questioning if it was worth it. Because I am sooooo Sensitive, I’ve experienced a lot of illnesses, incapacitations, and heartbreak. I have had three near death experiences. I have been frequently told by “experts” that my ways were flawed and dangerous.
I eventually got smart and sat down with God and gave Him and my Guides a talking to. I told Them that if I was designed with this level of Sensitivity, I trusted there was a reason for it AND they had better give me the knowledge I need to actually LIVE on this planet and to do so with ease.
Now, I have a monumental set of skills and tools for survival on this planet. This IS the way I am designed. And I am really good with it. I am designed to experience life – it is how I best learn. And it is FAST this way because the people I work with don’t need to explain to me what is going on; I simply experience what is going on and I’m THERE with them, immediately. Big time saver for me in the understanding, GREAT BIG jump forward in the time it takes to heal, and super effective in knowing EXACTLY what needs to be done to achieve what needs to happen next so that the healing is permanent.
Being EPIC IS a gift for which I am profoundly honored and grateful. And I’d love to share with you all that I know. You just need to be willing to ask for the guidance, be open to learning, and be willing to do the work.
Supporting the EPICs as they awake IS why I am here.