The very first note of this song and I remember it all… this song was the first number on side B of the mixed tape he made for me… the dark-haired senior from Fruit Heights that was my very own Jake Ryan when I was a sophomore… his confident shyness… his chiseled good looks… his distinctive scent… his “bad boy” reputation that was entirely a front but still scared the beejeebus outta me cuz I was still trying to be a “good Mormon girl”… that summer of adventure… his deep rumbling laughter… how he held my face when he kissed me… the new experiences I had because he came from the wealthier side of the tracks… the shock I felt when I discovered he had – *gasp* – several mini bottles of alcohol stashed in his pockets and brought them illegally into the Tears for Fears concert… the fact that it was my first outdoor concert and I had never heard of Tears for Fears and he had alcohol and we were all under age and how much I knew I was going to hell because of all of that and that THAT is the reason I broke it off to him…
Jeff was one of the good ones that got away because I had to be someone else according to the dictations of others… I miss him sometimes… especially when this song comes on…