On December 13th, I attended a product launch of one of my friends and mentors, Megan Sillito, wherein she gave a mini Genius Workshop. I love Megan. She has a way of presenting what she says in such an inviting and welcoming way. If you ever get a chance to attend one of her workshops or classes or to read her books, I highly recommend it.
In this workshop, I sat wide-eyed and ready to be fed, just as a baby bird awaits her mother. I have sat at the feet of this Teacher/Genius for over five years now and, yet, it is still always new. I find new insights for myself. I hear new things. I am awakened, yet again, to new and wonderous ways of thinking. I begin to actually live!
This night was no different. Although, it felt different. I felt different. Due to my journey through the Nile and the recurring illnesses resulting thereof, I have been away from my friends, my community, my “learning places” for almost four months now. To sit there, amongst them again and listen to Megan speak was manna for my whole being and I felt myself coming back to life.
She guided us on an imagry experience through the next twenty years of our lives. I am all about guided imagry sessions. I believe it is one of the coolest, funnest and eye-opening (even though your eyes are closed – LOL – I am talking about your real eyes, silly) experential way of learning. Because it is imaginary, it is limitless. I like that idea.
She had us go to a stairway. Mine was a beautiful, winding stairway with stunning ornamental design. My stairway, as I traversed it downward upon her instruction, evolved with the journey. Steps appeared just as I needed them and instead of walking down, the steps came to me and lowered me down. No effort. At the eventual bottom of my staircase, the space opened into a massive cavern adorned with vibrant, glowing crystals and gems. There was a pool of shallow water which had gathered upon the floor and reflected the light all around. To the left was an archway which I exited through to find myself in the woods.
It was quiet there, cool and serene. The only sounds were of my footsteps and an occasional flutter of the aspen leaves high above me. I smelled the earth, damp and fresh. I smelled decomposing leaves and pine sap. I smelled the dew which sparkled in the dappled sunlight. Soon, I spied a small fawn stepping delicately through the undergrowth. It stopped in the pathway and looked at me. No fear, just stillness. It continued on its way and was soon followed by a majestic deer, which bounded through the forest without heeding my presence. His assurety was evident. He was King of the Forest, his impressive rack of pointed antlers held proudly aloft. He was the largest of his species I had ever scene. I thought for a moment, due to his size, that he was a bull elk. I have experienced those up close (read more here) and know them to be sizeable animals. I asked him what he was and he told me he was a deer, ‘the biggest deer you’ve ever seen.’ I smiled, grateful that my animal guide had a sense of humor.
He allowed me to approach him, the situation void of wariness or fear on either being’s part. I put my arms around his chest, my fingers not being able to touch on the other side, and I buried my face against his neck. Warm. Alive. Knowing. He allowed me to ride his back for the next part of my journey, which took us out into an open meadow. The sunlight on my face warmed my skin. The slight breeze then cooled it, lifting my hair lightly and causing the grasses to sway gently.
In front of me, as Megan suggested, my Self, one year from now, appeared. I was happy to see she was smiling. She shimmered mysteriously and I watched as she gracefully danced nearer to where I stood. She moved with ease and a sinuous elegance. I was surprised to see her apparent litheness, although she was not a small-bodied woman. Her smile radiated and filled the space. She had a message for me: You are on the path now. You have all you need within you. Your key is Gratitude.
We embraced as I thanked her and I felt her solid strength. I felt such gratitude.
She left me and another woman joined me. She was the Me of Five Years Hence. I audibly gasped out, then covered my mouth when I remembered there were others near me. I was caught off guard to see her holding an infant with such ownership. I felt confused. How could I possibly be holding a baby? I lost myself for a moment trying to figure out the why of the image and whose baby it was. Then I came back and focused on her. She was so peaceful. She held that baby, looking down into its face with such love. She smiled at me and delivered her message: You ARE joy. You travel forward, going step by step, in the direction you are guided. Allow your Soul to lead you. Allow the Universe to guide you. Your key is Joy.
When I embraced her in gratitude, I felt the Joy of which she spoke. The baby was warm between us and I was enveloped in a Love so intense, I could feel the physical presence of it.
She sauntered away and I was joined by the Me of Twenty Years Hence. She was tall. Very, very tall and I laughed silently at that since I am so not tall. Her smile was permanent and she moved with the wisdom and assurances of a life well-lived. She held out her hand to me and took it in mine. I could feel the ages reverberate through us and my own hands, there in the physical space where I was in the Now, began to sparkle and vibrate in that way that is so familiar to me now. Her message: You are complete right here, right now. You live as you are meant to live. You do what you are meant to do. You BE who you are meant to be. They are waiting for you. Your key is Completion.
She stepped back from me and I felt shaken with knowledge. She smiled at me and caressed my hair then tilted my chin back so that I could look into her eyes. I felt her touch the Me that I am now and, as I thought thankfulness into her, she merged with me and I was complete.
I found myself holding onto the neck of my Deer. He looked at me and I asked if he had anything to share with me. His message: I am Deer. I am King of This Forest. None rival me in size, in presence, nor in rack. Focus on my antlers.
I thanked him for his presence and made my way to the stairway. I stepped on the first step and it quickly unwound itself to the top. Slowly I came into the physical space and opened my eyes, feeling the generations of Me around and within me, feeling grateful, full of joy and so very complete….
Later that night, I got out one of my favorite book, Animal Speak, to look up “antlers.” This is what I discovered:
…antlers are solid bone, and they are shed every year. Antlers grow behind the eyes and are very protective. Each year until the age of five, the antlers grow bigger and with more points… Antlers are symbols of antennae, connections to higher forms of attunement. Deer with antlers thus can be a signal to pay attention to your inner thoughts and perceptions, as they are probably more accurate than you think.
The antlers are shed every year, and each year they grow back larger and with more points, for five years. If a deer has entered your life, look for new perceptions and degrees of perceptions to grow and expand for as much as the next five years. It can indicate that there will be opportunities to stimulate gentle new growth increasingly over the next few years.
The antlers grow behind the eyes, again hinting at the symbolism of heightened perception. When the antlers are shed, they are eaten by dear and rodents who gnaw on them to assimilate the calcium…