While in college, I took an ASL class because I was going to get a degree in education, specializing in behavioral and learning disorders. I learned in ASL that the sign I’m doing in the picture, combined with a shake of the head is the universally understood sign for “I can’t hear you.”
Today, while standing to the right on the moving sidewalk at the airport, as I meandered my way toward my departure gate, a woman stopped beside me. She was steaming mad and wanted to complain to everyone and anyone about her horrible experience with TSA. They had, apparently, just ruined her entire vacation, and somehow that was Delta Airlines fault, as well.
She kept raving on, expecting me to commiserate, I suppose. Instead, I smiled politely, used this sign, and went about my business. The resulting silence was beautiful.
There are many ways to honor your truth. I choose joy. And in that moment, I truly was deaf to her complaints. Letting her know was kind to both of us.