This semester, I am taking ASL (American Sign Language) classes on Monday and Wednesday nights. My teacher gives a quiz every class at exactly 7:00 pm so I don’t want to be late. I arrive at school 45 minutes prior to my class starting (I wrote about this practice recently) in the hopes of finding an actual parking space somewhere near the building, hopefully, but at the very least, preferably ON campus. When I pull onto campus, there is, undoubtedly, NO place to park anywhere on the south end of campus. And I mean NO open spaces. A-N-Y-WHERE! And there are at least 100 cars roaming the blacktop like lost cows looking for their pen.
The first three weeks of school, I was so mad by the time I made it to class because I would have to drive around for-ever to find a space. On top of that, it’s scary and dark at that time of the night, not to mention the fact that it is winter and freezin’-ass COLD! As my frustration began growing to unmanageable heights and I started being haunted by nightmares of walking across frozen tundras with my backpack dragging behind me, I pulled out some of my creative problem solving skills.
I asked myself this question, “Is there a way I can have FUN with this parking situation?”
For a few days, I dwelt on this question, allowing it to flow in and out of my mind without a hold on whether I came up with anything brilliant or not. I just let it float.
Then, last Monday afternoon (1/30), I thought a thought out of the blue in the middle of some other random thoughts, “I wonder… where will I end up parking tonight?”
Suddenly, an image of an exact parking space popped in my mind. I brushed it off and went on thinking random thoughts. Until… I got to campus and drove around for a few minutes. I wasn’t paying much attention to anything other than the mantra repeating in my head… open space, open space, where is there an open space???
Then, the image of that exact parking space popped in my mind again.
Hmmmmm… I wonder…
Hoping with all my might it would be open, but not really believing it would be, I headed in that direction and, sure enough, as soon as I entered that row, a car started backing out and I was the only one to witness its departure!
Praise God, the Angels and ALL that is holy!
In gratitude, I sang to the heavens as I sauntered through the parking lot. Then this little voice slithered into my head and caused me doubt, “It was only a fluke.”
Okay. Fine. I’ll let it be a fluke. At least I had a parking space tonight! I thought back to the impertinent voice.
However, something cool is happening. I’ve practiced the same magical manifestation thought process three more times since then and… VIOLA! It has worked every time.
I like those kind of flukes!