Sometimes, intriguing things happen when it comes to creating each week’s Meditation. Sometimes I find myself inundated with ideas to write about. At other times, I find myself at a complete loss. Sometimes, even, I will generate an entire Meditation only to have it be set aside as something more urgent shows up and is in need of expression.
Traditionally, when I write a Meditation of the Week, I write from my life, I use my experiences to create a story. These writings are always unique to the week, based on whatever is showing up in my life and, if I include photography the work is mine as well. When I began this project in earnest, I vowed that all work contained in each Meditation would be original and authentically mine.
As I pondered my life for the last week since I last wrote you, I have wondered what it was I needed to share. Nothing came to me. I was feeling afraid that I had lost my gift – especially since last week’s Meditation was an ultra-personal share. As the week wore on and nothing came to me, I began to panic a little. My fears of not being able to produce a touching article on a deadline loomed large in front of me. I attempted to trust that the Universe would show up and reveal what it was that I needed to share. I even sat at my computer for some time, late last night, hoping that something would come to me. Nothing.
This morning, however, I went to my computer and opened my email box, which I hadn’t done since late Thursday night. There, from my beautiful sister-in-law, was an email waiting for me which contained a video that sent my heart spinning. Today, I am going to completely detour from the course I set forth for myself. Given the fact that yesterday was a national holiday in remembrance of our war heroes, it is appropriate that my Meditation include this video, created by Lizzie Palmer.
I send this out with love, pride and in honor of Jeffrey Fisher who volunteered to step up and honor our family and our country.
©Angie K. Millgate 5/29/07