A blogger friend, J.M. Tewkesbury posted a blog today that sounded like fun and I think I will try it out…
As per JMT, who stole it from a friend, the rules are pretty basic. Take the first line of the first post from every month in 2007 and play the game.
Hold on! This should be fun… (author sidenote here… I realized that many of the “first posts” may possibly be Meditations. Later on in the year, if that is the case, then they are all going to read the same thing… Click here for this week’s meditation, which would be an entirely boring blog entry. Therefore, since I am the Queen here, I will choose the next first entry to post.) I am going to add a link to the post in the month header that way if you are really enticed, you can easily go there to finish the read. 🙂 Damn! Aren’t I such the helpful blogger. OOOO! And, I will also include one pic if there was one. Sheesh! I can’t help myself.
2007 started quietly today – that sort of hushed stillness that falls over a land of people who made merry into the wee hours of the morning the night before.
I had prepared an entirely different Meditation for today. Then, something happened which led me to believe there was a special message that needed to be shared…
I have been prompted to write about “Personas” and I feel a little nervous about doing so.
Last night I went to a quaint Italian restaurant with my daughter and mother.
Spring has, indeed, sprung here in my fair city and has seemingly stepped aside for summer.
Many friends have questioned, “Where have you gone, Angie? Why are you not blogging anymore?”
I arose at exactly 3:25 am.
A few days ago, for some reason, I had the image of a praying mantis pop into my head.
Some days I surprise myself.
Oh my God!
Somehow… it is already November.
(For December, there were three “first day” posts, two of which were movie critiques. One for Darjeeling Limited and another for The Golden Compass. So I am opting to post the first line of the third first post, not that it is any more interesting than the other two.)
I just realized that when I am tired, small things are large and big things are insurmountable.