All right friends, loved ones and those whom I hold in high esteem. Rob Brezsny’s Astrological Report for this week has been released and… there is oh! so! scrumptious! news in it for all us Geminis. I did a happy dance and I invite you all to take him up on his promise of good fortune for those who contribute…
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): From an astrological point of view, it's a favorable time for people to give you gifts and perks and blessings. You have my permission to convey that message to your friends and associates. Let them know it's in their interest to be generous toward you. The truth, as I see it, is that they will attract rewards for themselves, some unexpected, if they help you. So what's your role in this dynamic? Be modest. Be grateful. Be gracious. At the same time, rake it all in with supreme confidence that you deserve such an outpouring.
After reading that, I bow modestly and say, Thank you very much… in advance. ♥