One of my regular readers is my father’s wife. This morning, as I was getting ready for the day, she was in sitting at her computer, quietly doing her thing.
“Did you know you are linked to Oprah?” She asked me. The name of the multi-millionairess rang through my head, echoing and rolling delightfully.
Oprah. Oprah. Oprah.
“Yeah,” she said matter-of-factly, “You are linked to Oprah.”
I walked into the den and said, “What does that mean?”
“I followed one of the links on your website. The link that says ‘New Awakening Videos’ and look!”
I stared at the screen, disbelieving my eyes. Sure enough. There she was. My hero… er… heroine.
I was startled to feel a lump growing in my throat as I stared at her beautiful face. I am linked to Oprah.
Now I realize that there are probably a gazillion websites with this very same ad on their pages and that, just because it’s there on mine doesn’t mean I am special. However, what I totally got in that moment is that I am in the same energy vibration so that I am ABLE to be linked to Oprah!!!
This is HUGE, for me. The metaphysical implications astound me and I feel so excited when I say, “I am linked with Oprah!!!”
I am linked with Oprah.