How delightful it was this morning to wake up before the sun crested the mountain to see the glorious sunrise and the dangling moon looking humorously like the grinning Chesire Cat. I have a hopeful sense within me and an abundance of appreciation for myself, my tender heart and my willingness to go all the way… time and again. The clarity of this day feels like a gift and a reminder of the clarity that is coming for me. I welcome it with love.
Today, I am grateful for… * the birds playing on the hill across the street * the view of Mount Timpanogas from the dining room window * house sitting for my brother and sister-in-law… their home is so embracing * the quiet of the night last night * the quiet of the morning * waking at 2:17am to do a process and then resting for a few hours before I chose to rise for the day * my nephew’s artwork hanging on the wall * the gentleness and strength of my brother * Captain Crunch Berry cereal… I feel like a kid that has finally gotten her wish come true.
I am SO happy to BE alive! Thank you, God!