I feel such relief after yesterdays blog. I was able to move with ease and I felt myself growing lighter by the moment.
Today, when I awoke and stepped out of bed, my feet did not hurt, my knees did not creek and I was able to walk to the bathroom without groaning. I took it as a good omen.
My journey through weight issues and into self-realization of beauty has opened my eyes to my own power.
And, today, I smile. I laugh. And I am appreciating who I am, in all my glory. I am appreciating my body for continuing on – no matter how I abuse it or neglect it. I am appreciating the lightness of being.
Most importantly, I am appreciating the intuitive nudge that reminded me that to move forward, I must release, let go and step in faith. In that energy is when I succeed. Sometimes I forget that. Well, actually, frequently I forget that. So I am appreciating that the reminder came quick and fairly pain free.