In my previous article, Stuff Most People Don’t Know About Crystal Meth, I mentioned Meth Tethers, which is the next piece that recently came in while having a conversation with someone who is currently interacting with meth. I’ll call this person Jo and possibly change their gender to protect their identity. Jo reached out to me because he found the article I wrote in 2017 (Crystal Meth Changes You In Ways You’ve Never Been Told). The questions he asked helped me get clear on a lot of things about me, my work, the why of how I do what I do, and the Meth Tethers. I will share parts of this conversation that are words I wrote to him, but I will not share anything from Jo because that would be a violation of my ethics and his privacy…
When people are actively interacting with meth, working with me can be excruciating. The Entities that trail that drug DO NOT appreciate the energy I carry and they become reactive and volatile. The human experiences this as a terrifying, painful, and sometimes debilitating situation. As I mentioned in the article you found me through, meth lies dormant in the cells, so even those who have been off meth for a while can still have an unsettling experience when they are in my presence. I am a Magnifier so that I can See and call to the surface what needs to be healed. This can activate the stagnant meth, causing feening that cannot be silenced until meth is used or the energy is cleared.
As he and I interacted, I had a strong impression that he needed information about The Understanders. I asked his birth year and when he responded with it, he revealed that he was an active user who is interested in understanding Meth. I shared this with him…
You’re born close enough to the Millennial Generation – whom I lovingly call The Great Destroyers – that you’ve probably been blessed with the blueprints of that generation, as well as my generation (born 1960-1985). I call my generation The Shit Clearers. We are here to heal all that has been corrupted in the human DNA. (This article has an in-depth look at what I’m talking about: What is the Magic of the Millennials and the Bridge?)
Anyway… within the Millennial Generation there is a magical tribe that I call The Understanders. They are those who are capable of experimenting with the “illegal” substances on this planet to gain an understanding of the magic and healing within every one of them. The “hard” rocks – meth and heroin – are not usually on the list of substances. I’ve only met one Understander who could play in the realm of meth and he was an older Shit Clearer, so he wasn’t a “true” Millennial. He was one of the oldest precursors to that generation that I’ve met. The message They gave him in his role as an Understander was, as with ALL substances on this planet, there is a beneficial realm and a non-beneficial realm. As long as the Understander remains clear, out of fear, educated about the truths of the substance, and in the beneficial realm while only entering the non-beneficial realm CONSCIOUSLY and BY CLEAR CHOICE, not through default, then the Understander would remain unharmed. With meth, the realm of beneficial energy is very tiny; he crossed that realm and chose time and again to push himself into the realm beyond until he was consumed.
(EDITORIAL NOTE… As reading through this and editing the above paragraph, I realized I had left out a very significant piece in my explanation to Jo. The strongest “rule” in the Understander’s work is that they cannot give into the fear and “you’re going to hell if you use drugs” beliefs that are rampant on this planet. That being said, all that I’m sharing about meth is not meant to evoke fear but is, instead, to educate those of you who are Understanders so that you have all of the information about this drug. Perhaps, if we can get enough Understanders who are capable of Lighting up the dark energy inside meth, we can dismantle it. Maybe.)
Meth is, by far and away, the darkest energy I have experienced on this planet. I wrote that article you found about how meth changes humans nearly 1.5 years ago. Since then, I’ve been shown what happens after death for the human who dies in a dance with meth. (The article called Stuff Most People Don’t Know About Crystal Meth has this information.) I feel sad that this substance has been unleashed on humanity as a weapon.
We interacted for some time, with deep honesty. One of the craziest things I’ve experienced with active meth users and modern technology is the energy of meth interrupts autocorrection and seems to change the way words are spelled. Reading the writings of someone with meth in their system is a game of “guess and guess harder.” Sentences are fractured, which makes sense, given that meth is the Master Fracturer. Writers that can usually create eloquent compositions with perfect grammar produce long letters where sentences like this, “I just fpnt wanr tp be depended on it in order to be avle to,” are commonplace when they have recently used meth. It is fascinating and frustrating all at once.
As Jo and I corresponded, he asked about becoming my client. That question had stunning effects…
Let me share a few things with you, Jo… You HAVE TO BE very clear about the delineation between the beneficial and non-beneficial space of meth and remain in the beneficial. The longer you dance with meth, the smaller that space becomes. The more frequently you press up against the boundary between the two spaces, the more permeable that boundary becomes, allowing the Meth Entities to cross into this realm.
The longer you experiment with this drug, the deeper into the Dimensionary Worlds you go, leading you into realms that are farther away from the Light. Zones that are farther away from the Light house catastrophic, cataclysmic dark energies and entities. They are not necessarily “evil,” they are just… gigantic, destructive, uncontrollable energies that have no balance because of their absolute darkness; it is as though they are literally anti-matter, with their sole focus being “disassemble.” Much of the tenuous peace in this Third Dimension comes from balancing the Light and the Dark. If you have too much of one and not enough of the other, strange things happen.
(EDITORIAL NOTE… As I have continued to process all this new information, I’ve had the awareness that calling this drug “evil” gives it stronger power because “evil” elicits a primordial and irrational fear in the core of humans. Meth and the energy that created it are not evil. Energy is energy is energy. Meth is dark. That is different. In today’s world, the religious sector has programmed us to believe that dark = bad = wrong = evil and light = pure = good = right. This is merely dogma that is used to keep people in line. Energy is energy is energy. It is not good nor bad, however it can be light or dark. Light and dark are not states of goodness or badness; they are the quality of illumination or lack thereof; that is all. As I have been shown, “pure” and “evil” are based on manmade constructs rooted in judgment. And the truth is, everything that anyone can judge as “pure” or “evil” is in us all. Energy is energy is energy and meth is an energy that is compounding at a monumental rate as fear builds around it. We can interrupt that cycle if we educate ourselves on what it really is and interact accordingly. In addition to all that, I have been shown the beginnings of meth. It was initially wrought through dark magic that was intended to harm. As with all energy, it responds to the intent of the wielder, so take that into consideration, as well.)
The use of meth creates tethers from you, through the boundary, and into each level of the Dimensions with which you connect. Connecting to a Level One Dimension, per se, allows you to immediately jump to that level on the next meth rush. Once there, a new tether is created, allowing you to advance to Level Two, and so forth. With each new tether built, the meth rush will boomerang you to the deepest tethered Dimension and begin building another tether to the next realm from there. It’s like a “save progress” option in a video game that you can use before you fight the next Big Boss and get killed. Rather than having to go through all the levels again before the Big Boss, you just start at the entrance to the Big Boss’s lair until you kill that Big Boss. Each time you successfully kill a Big Boss and “save progress,” then when you start the game back up again, that Big Boss is behind you and you enter the scene right where you left off. Does that make sense? That is what meth does.
I have a lot of knowledge about the energetics of meth and what is required to clear and heal the effects of it, but my work is designed to support people who are no longer using and have no desire to return to that realm. Healing can be painful when one is healing their own trauma and abuse, especially when it is the aftereffects of dark magic like is encoded within meth. For me, working with active meth energy is physically traumatizing to my body and I will not put myself through that. Traveling WITH you as you effectively destroy your energy systems in the name of understanding a substance that is designed to deconstruct you would result in my energy system being deconstructed. I cannot do that.
As I finish this article, a new awareness just came to me. Those Tethers serve two purposes… they act as a boomerang for the user to advance into deeper darkness quicker, while at the same time, they become a sort of “fireman’s pole” upon which the creatures, entities, and disembodied beings waiting in the darkness can ride from Dimensions Beyond into this world. Those Tethers cross boundaries, creating a sort of loophole through which darkness can seep into this world at a faster rate.
In the closing of my conversation with Jo, he asked a question that caused my hair to stand on end and my mind to swirl with possibilities. I am copying verbatim so you can see how it came to me from the depths of meth, but I believe that there is Light Truth in the message: “Wierd question, xan we instill a helpful spirit into meth. I mean we can create thought forms. Woyldnt we be able to create a strong enought thought form and inbue it in meth.”
Here is my response: The original intention of meth is darkness and it is a lesson for humans. A very sad, debilitating lesson. The question of whether we can install a Light Warrior inside meth is something curious to ponder and I will do so. Instinctively, because of what I’ve been shown that happens in the worlds after this life, I say no, but I believe all things are possible. So… maybe…
I am one who chooses to continually hope that the Light will win. So, with that one question that came from Jo’s hopeful, warrior’s heart, I begin exploring the possibilities of transforming one of the darkest energies on this planet.
I hope that you find the information I am sharing about meth to be helpful. Again, let me remind you of a few things and close with my traditional invitations from this series:
- Everything I teach comes with these three rules: Always check in with yourself as you’re learning new things to make sure it is in alignment with what you know to be true. Question everything. And TRUST YOURSELF.
- This information I am providing is to help humans understand a topic that is so not understood on this planet. It is a new point of view and new points of view can be scary. The stuff I share is not a scare tactic or a doomsday prophecy, so if you’re feeling scared about anything I’ve written in these articles about meth, see #1.
- Nothing in these articles about meth is meant to dissuade you from seeking assistance in rehabilitating from the detrimental physical and psychological aspects of meth. Seeking the assistance of medical professionals and therapists are two of the three components required in healing from meth; energy healing is the third.
If you love someone who is using meth, it is an emotional roller coaster that defies logic. Meth came from realms of darkness and those of us in this realm cannot comprehend the constructs of absolute darkness, so the experience of meth will never make sense. Those who are enthralled with its energy cannot see clearly, be reasoned with, or be called to repentance. Loving them will not save them. Enabling them endangers you. They will rob you, hurt you, damage your property, and have no idea they are doing any of it, most of the time – and in the moments when their cognizance is razor sharp and they are fully aware of their every action, it is even more terrifying. Do everything you can to remain safe. My best advice is to love them from afar and shore yourself up for an ugly ending. I wish I could say it more gently than that, but sometimes the truth is far from pretty.
If you are someone who has been caught in Meth’s grasp and are ready to liberate yourself, please find a doctor, a therapist, and a rehab clinic. Get working in those arenas and then reach out to me. Before I can begin considering working with anyone, they must be at least 90 days clean and have completed or be currently enrolled in some sort of professionally-guided recovery program. There is support awaiting you; you need only ask.
My articles about meth:
Crystal Meth Changes You In Ways You’ve Never Been Told
Stuff Most People Don’t Know About Crystal Meth
Some More Stuff Most People Don’t Know About Crystal Meth
A Little More About Crystal Meth
Please…..I’m begging you…..I’m in desperate need of healing….please…please help me
Dear Nicholas,
Healing from meth is a long, arduous road that requires receiving help from physicians first and then healers like me afterward. I am trusting that, when you are ready to heal, the path will open to you to do so. I am sending you Light.