Never before, in all my years, do I remember being able to sit out on the porch, in a t-shirt and jeans on a clear January day and enjoy the warmth and the beautiful visual such as this photo to the left. I was able to sit there on the warm cement and soak in the sun, listen to the birds happily chirping and squawking from nearby perches and just think about the blessings of my life.
I’m appreciating that I took the time to stop and drink in the splendor of the gift of today, and that I have done that every day now for almost a week as Salt Lake has been graced with some of the most astounding springtime weather.
There is a lot in this life to be grateful for, I keep being reminded. In the times when I think all hell is breaking loose and I feel angry or pissy at random times (like what happened yesterday) it only takes me doing something different than what I would normally do to shift my own attitude. I am responsible for how my life is experienced, so why not choose to experience it as more loving and joyful???
There was a time, my friends, when I would have chosen “difficult” and “laborious” and “not so fun” out of habit because I had been trained, somewhere along the way, that life had to be hard and that if it was “easy” or “fun” then it couldn’t possibly be of any importance or worth living. At times, I still slide backwards into the how can I make this as difficult as possible mode and… UGH! It’s horrible.
But the really good thing is I have dear friends and loved ones who will say, “Angie, I’m wondering… could you possibly find an easier way or some way to have fun with this???”
I love that I have created a life so that I am surrounded by people who remind of who I am and what I am here to do. I love that I am willing to listen and to get curious about ways to have more fun, feel more love, do it more easefully.
And I love that I remembered all this, simply because I sat in the sun and enjoyed the springtime sights…