In my article, Crystal Meth Changes You In Ways You’ve Never Been Told, I shared some information I had been gathering for nearly a decade about why meth users experience intense paranoia, hearing voices, and feeling like they’re being followed. Many people have been guided to that article and then to me for comfort and support, either because their loved one is addicted or they are addicted. Because of these connections and my ongoing research into the energetics of meth, I continually uncover information that is not out there, but needs to be.
Let me share with you information I read long ago from several now-unknown sources. If you require citation for credibility, I apologize. I cannot give you that because I came across a lot of this information back when I began working in meth/heroin rehab in 2008…
Amphetamine was developed in the late 1800’s and that recipe was tweaked in the early 1900’s into what became known as methamphetamine. Some sources said it started in Japan and jumped to Germany; other sources said it was the opposite. Who cares? Either way, I read somewhere that it was created originally as a cure for a disease that did not exist at the time, then based on the documentation of its strange side effects that resulted in the ability to go for days on end without food or sleep, the Nazi’s picked it up and tweaked the recipe a bit more to create an unstoppable force of dehumanized soldiers for World War II.
From there, it moved out of science labs and into home labs where drug lords garnered labor from “cooks” to combine chemicals that are lethal to humans and volatile in their own individual right. The actual “recipe” varies based on which source you visit, but some of the ingredients are products like battery acid, antifreeze, bleach, paint thinner, lye, and drain cleaner. It isn’t just one or two of these highly flammable and toxic products; it is several of them, in specific proportions, in a specific order, cooked at a specific temperature, and over a specific period of time. The chemicals are toxic, cooking them is life threatening, and the residue from doing so is long-lasting and just as treacherous – I read somewhere that every pound of meth cooked results in five pounds of toxic waste.
The physical impact of this substance to its distributors, cooks, users, and environment, as well as the innocents surrounding the world of meth, is well documented. So a lot of what I just shared with you, you probably already know. However, I wanted to include it here for those who are trying to be blissfully ignorant about this topic. Truly, this is one realm where ignorance is a cataclysmic approach because while the physical threats are well-known, the energetics of it are not and that is where humanity’s peril lies in wait.
But, humanity’s peril is not the only option. That is where The Phoenix comes in.
I am designed to read, interpret, align, interrupt, and reprogram energy. All kinds of energy. Over the last few months, for some reason, a new batch of people have been led to me through that article. The first big burst of new information on meth came through after a dear friend’s child died from a drug overdose. To protect the identity of my friend and the child, I will change their names and possibly their gender; I will call my friend Jane and her child, Kelly as I share their story.
I found out about Kelly’s death within the first 24 hours of his passing and I immediately reached out via text to Jane to see how I could best support her. I have been beside too many friends who have lost their children, so I know how vital it is to have someone who understands the complexity of grieving the loss of your child while being able to honor wherever you are without expecting you to emotionally buoy them up, too.
She immediately called me and said, “I just need to talk with you, Angie. I can’t feel Kelly, which is weird because we’re so close, but I have a strong sense he’s okay. Since the moment he died, I’ve been utterly and completely fractured, scattered, and unable to compute anything. I cannot even get out of bed because it is like my brain has disengaged and even the most basic of human processes are impossible. I cannot eat. I cannot sleep. And I think I am exhausted, but I don’t feel it. I am a little freaked out. I feel like I’m in the Beyonds Beyond the Beyond and you are the only one I know that works there. Help me!”
It was the least I could do. To hear that frightened plea from my friend in her time of great grieving, of course I would listen to her as she talked through whatever was going on for her. At the time, as I listened to her plea and her description of what was happening, I didn’t hear the hints of what was to come, but in hindsight, I see them all and I wonder if you can, too. Every terminology she used I have heard from recovering meth addicts as they have described how it felt to be captured by meth. Jane was experiencing the horrors of meth, but I didn’t see that in then. Although I could feel that we were embarking on something significant, I just assumed it was going to be me helping her get back online. I had no idea where we were heading.
A powerfully masterful worker of magic herself, Jane is able to speak to me in the ethereal languages that very few people understand. It requires a willingness to believe in all things being possible and being open to the “impossible” to absorb messages that are coming from the Beyonds Beyond the Beyond and I do it every day. As soon as she and I energetically connected that morning over the phone, she began channeling someone she was not familiar with and breathtaking messages about my mission began pouring through her. I was confused! I was there to support Jane, not the other way around, but it eventually all made sense as she and I energetically crossed the many physical miles between us and linked up to go deeper, at the request of the Guides who were leading us through new territory.
Because I am closely linked with Jane and she is closely linked with her son, I was able to link to Kelly the instant he crossed out of the World Between the Worlds. We hadn’t planned on connecting with Kelly; neither of us thought it was even possible, given the short amount of time he had been gone from this dimension. But, there was a moment when Kelly wasn’t there in her energy and then, a breath later, he was. She felt him instantaneously; I felt the new energy present in our connection and she explained what had happened and, in awe, we began the most expansive, mystically divine vision work I have done in a very long time.
The experience was highly sacred and powerfully educational, a lot of which was intensely personal for all parties involved, therefore it will not be divulged. However, the aspect of it that I can share with you here in this article is this… meth fractures the soul of humans, then those parts and pieces are thrown across all dimensions of Space and Time. The longer meth has been used, the more fragmented the soul becomes. As I observed the scene, it was like looking at a black, velvety blanket with shards of crystals scattered all about it. I could see the blankets of other users; the longer they’d been using, the smaller the shards were. The fragments on some of the blankets had become so small, so shattered, they were merely particles and the blankets looked as though they were covered with dust.
What I learned that day was meth is an addiction in this plane, but after this life, the energetic effects of meth result in a behemoth project of putting one’s SoulSelf back together again. It is the greatest Humpty Dumpty situation I have ever seen… “All the King’s horses and all the King’s men, couldn’t put Humpty together again.” Truly. I couldn’t put Kelly back together; he had to do it. He had to do the work of picking up every piece, figuring out where it went, and holding it all together while doing so because that is the biggest part of the Meth experiment. I watched as some of the souls around us chose to give up because the task was too monumental and I watched as they left, defeated, ushered back to a sort of Recycling Room.
The process of putting one’s SoulSelf back together again after being attached to the Realms of Darkness from whence this drug has come IS how one stops the karmic cycle of this substance. If one gives up in this part of the experience, too much is lost and the soul goes through something like a “factory reset,” if you will, booting him back to the beginning stages of Soulhood so he can be whole and complete, once again. However, if he completes the gathering, which is such a horrifyingly tedious process, it is enough to convince him to never play in that realm again. Healed. Done. Forever.
Because Kelly died in this world with meth active in him, he was left to gather himself back together again through that very laborious process of picking up every single damn particle, sliver, and shard. Because I was able to travel with Kelly, I was witness to his gathering process, and honestly, the realms we visited caused me such anxiety, I nearly vomited several times. What I learned was, with me by his side, it went faster. I was able to see other souls trying to pull themselves together in the Dimensions Beyond without a Processor like me and I felt so sad for their hard labor; too many of them gave up, too many of them grew weak and exhausted the deeper they went into their hunt. Thing is, this work that I did with Kelly in the Dimensions Beyond is work I can do here, in this plane, and it is FASTER, even faster than being by his side throughout Space and Time as he gathered everything by himself. There is something about choosing into healing the meth in the physical form that started the dance to begin with while still being in that physical form that exponentially increases the rate of gathering, mending, and healing. For that work to be done here in the earthly plane, the human has to be ready to receive it and let go of the Meth Tethers that have bound him to the destructive force of meth.
In the next article, I will share about Meth Tethers, but for now, let me say this… Meth, as far as I have been shown and in all of the earthbound scientific research available on it, is not, in any way, a beneficial substance. It is inherently destructive and I am having immense difficulty understanding what They were thinking when they dropped its recipe into the minds of the scientists that then brought it to fruition here. This topic is on my list of topics to be discussed when I am face to face with the Powers That Be.
All that being said, I hope that you find the information I am sharing to be helpful. Here are a few reminders for you…
- Everything I teach comes with these three rules: Always check in with yourself as you’re learning new things to make sure it is in alignment with what you know to be true. Question everything. And TRUST YOURSELF.
- This information I am providing is to help humans understand a topic that is so not understood on this planet. It is a new point of view and new points of view can be scary. The stuff I share is not a scare tactic or a doomsday prophecy, so if you’re feeling scared about anything I’ve written in these articles about meth, see #1.
- Nothing in these articles about meth is meant to dissuade you from seeking assistance in rehabilitating from the detrimental physical and psychological aspects of meth. Seeking the assistance of medical professionals and therapists are two of the three components required in healing from meth; energy healing is the third.
If you love someone who is using meth, it is an emotional roller coaster that defies logic. Meth came from realms of darkness and those of us in this realm cannot comprehend the constructs of absolute darkness, so the experience of meth will never make sense. Those who are enthralled with its energy cannot see clearly, be reasoned with, or be called to repentance. Loving them will not save them. Enabling them endangers you. They will rob you, hurt you, damage your property, and have no idea they are doing any of it, most of the time – and in the moments when their cognizance is razor sharp and they are fully aware of their every action, it is even more terrifying. Do everything you can to remain safe. My best advice is to love them from afar and shore yourself up for an ugly ending. I wish I could say it more gently than that, but sometimes the truth is far from pretty.
If you are someone who has been caught in Meth’s grasp and are ready to liberate yourself, please find a doctor, a therapist, and a rehab clinic. Get working in those arenas and then reach out to me. Before I can begin considering working with anyone, they must be at least 90 days clean and have completed or be currently enrolled in some sort of professionally-guided recovery program. There is support awaiting you; you need only ask.
My articles about meth:
Crystal Meth Changes You In Ways You’ve Never Been Told
Stuff Most People Don’t Know About Crystal Meth
Some More Stuff Most People Don’t Know About Crystal Meth
A Little More About Crystal Meth
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