That may seem like a pretty boastful title for this post, but I truly believe my magical life is a very blessed life and one of my biggest gifts has been the emergence of my daughter into this world.
Fourteen years ago today, at this very moment, I was in a hospital room wondering who I would be holding by day’s end. I was feeling the anticipation of impending motherhood. I was feeling fear that I would not be the mother I hoped to be. I was praying for a healthy baby who would thrive and grow. And, mostly, I was breathless with excitement for my baby’s arrival. For all of my life, I wanted to be a mother and I was finally seeing that come to fruition.
When my daughter emerged into this world with a resounding splash, I had tears running down my face – tears of absolute knowing that she was here for a grand purpose. She instantly had the room enthralled with her presence and with each person who had the opportunity to touch her, they were transformed.
And so it has been with my beautiful daughter, Kaitlyn, at my side. I have witnessed her move through life, touching the people who are in need of her peace. I’ve witnessed her give lovingly of her peace and, by simply being, she has raised the space around her to the vibration of the highest love. She is the Divine here on earth and I have been blessed with the honor of bringing her here and caring for her as she grows.
In the honoring of her creation, second to God, there is someone else for whom I hold huge gratitude, appreciation and love… her Daddy.
Thank you, Charles, for helping me to create this glorious creature. Thank you for giving her your scientific, linear mind to mix with my creative, flowing mind. Thank you for giving her a passion for this life. And thank you, especially, for being willing to teach her the strongest lessons about natural consequences.
I am, indeed, the most blessed woman in the world because I get to be witness to Miss Kaitlyn’s life. What an honor!
Happy birthday, Baby Angel!