“I cannot make a move because I am STUCK here on this path that I made for myself before I got to Earth,” she said, exasperated. “AND divine timing has the final say, so there’s nothing I can do but wait.”
That statement had my head spinning. No matter what I said, she came up with an argument that diminished the value of the advice her Guides were sending her. She had trapped herself in a hellish, exhausting corner.
My Dear EPIC Sensitives, let’s talk about a couple things. First, what does it mean to be EPIC? Empathic. Psychic. Intuitive. Creative. EPIC. Every human has these capacities; some of us live in them, others tap into them occasionally, and others ignore or deny them altogether.
But… it means so much more than those labels of magicality. (Yes. That IS a word. lol) It means to feel, sense, see, hear, experience, know, and express on a grand scale and this means that experiencing life on this planet can be… well… it can be complicated.
That brings me to the second topic: life on this planet.
Planet Earth CAN be an incredibly exquisite place of beauty and joy. It can also be just as incredibly exquisite in its darkness and pain. For EPICs, the pendulum swings between too much of either end of the spectrum are startling and uncomfortable. When they are in joy, they find themselves waiting for the other shoe to drop and for the joy to come to an abrupt and painful ending – because it “always” has. And on the other end of the spectrum, when they are in the heaviness of this planet, they keep waiting for the darkness, the pain, the illness to get worse. For EPICs, life is a dance of the “too” of everything and it is a waiting game for the “badder” parts of life to rear their ugly heads, no matter where that moment resides on the joy-pain spectrum.
But… I’m here to tell you… it doesn’t have to be that way. It CAN be different.
It is fabulous when you understand that you created your path before you came here and that you laid it out for yourself to experience. Trusting in divine timing and that everything happens as it is supposed to when it is supposed to is also fabulous. When you victimize yourself with all of that? Not so fabulous. This sort of victimization is the ultimate martyrdom in the name of being spiritually superior. It is damaging.
Seriously. If you don’t like what you’re experiencing in your life right now, TAKE ACTION! Make a choice that leads you toward what you DO want to experience. Deciding that you are at the mercy of divine timing and a distant god who moves you around like a pawn actually diminishes the truth of who you are. YOU are the creator of your path. If your path is disagreeable, CREATE. A. NEW. PATH.
If you are one of those people who believe that you made the foreordained path and you are simply shuttled along that path, god moving you this way and that in divine timing and you have no say in any of that, then… how do you know that the You who created the path isn’t simply waiting for this earthly version of you to actually choose to create a detour and THAT is actually the true path?
Every action you take, every choice you make, everything you desire to experience… that IS your path. Waiting for signs, waiting for divine timing, waiting for nudges, waiting for confirmation, OMMMMMing your way to enlightenment… all of that has its place. And it’s cool. However, this is Earth, land of physicality and action. Nothing happens here without action. Your waiting IS action, but ya gotta discern when that action is benefiting or sabotaging you. There is power in surrendering to the waiting period, but there also comes a point where your waiting actually begins to detract from your experience.
You can victimize yourself for all time by getting wound up in the metaphysical truths of preordination, free will, and divine timing. I have witnessed some powerful EPICs beating themselves into oblivion and trapping themselves in an unyielding corner with these concepts. Hell. I kept myself running ragged, all while being stuck, from 1976-2016. It was the worst kind of treadmill. Ever. All putrid and hot and sticky.
But the fundamental truth of the Third Dimension, Earth, is that we are here to EXPERIENCE life as Creators of our path – whether actively creating it now or passively because we believe we are at the mercy of a path that we have no power to change.
For me, learning how to be a Level-10 EPIC and an active Creator AT THE SAME TIME has been imperative for my survival. After two NDEs (2007 and 2009) and a mental breakdown (2011), I HAD TO figure out how to survive on this planet. I had to get clear on what was mine and what was everyone else’s. I had to learn to understand that the reason I was being torn apart in May 2011 – the event that led to my breakdown – was because I CAN feel the emotional energy of ALL of humanity on this planet. I had to learn how to manage that gift and benefit from it.
EPICs are designed for big, beautiful things. You, as an EPIC, may be unable to see your abilities as a gift at this point in your life; perhaps they seem as more of a curse.
I relate. I’ve been there, done that, and have the hospital bills to prove it.
Thing is… you magical creature, your EPICness IS a gift. Your ability to create through the choices you make IS a powerful birthright. You ARE the creator of your life. Whether you believe you’ve already created it and you are at the whim of what you created before, or if you believe you are actively creating it now – YOU ARE THE CREATOR, either way.
And truly, if you don’t like what you’re experiencing now, CHOOSE DIFFERENTLY.
And stop telling me that you cannot make a different choice because it’s already been made for you by a previous version of you. Or that you cannot make a difference in your own life because divine timing has final say. That is utter poppycock designed to keep you trapped and small. We need you to be liberated, at full power, and life sized!
Take command of your life and work WITH the Universe IN YOUR OWN FAVOR. Waiting for it to tell you what to do, or martyring yourself to being stuck IS a choice and if you believe that you just have to wait out this dark night of the soul because that’s what divinity has in mind for you, well then… that IS what you’ll do. You’ll wait and wait and wait. Until you make a choice to do something different. Until you detour off this path you think you’re stuck on. Until you choose to create the path you WANT to be on. Until you take action, you’ll be stuck in the waiting. The Universe is just waiting for you to make a choice so it can lay down the path ahead of you, so you waiting for it is actually not gonna work.
YOU are the Creator of your life. So, create a life you WANT to live. Choose a path that you actually WANT to be on. You’re not alone here, my friend. I can help you with this path. All you gotta do is let me know you are ready.