Today is September 11th… twelve years after planes purposely cascaded out of the sky, crashing into buildings and tearing away the physical lives of unsuspecting innocents who had no idea that their lives were going to end so abruptly. Fathers, mothers, friends, brothers, sisters, lovers, husbands, wives, partners, grandparents, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, daughters, sons… taken unexpectedly, without warning. If you were alive that day, I am certain you know exactly what you were doing, where you were, and who you were with as the news began filtering through every media outlet. Around the world, people have been changed by those events.
I am feeling within me the burgeoning rush, as I have experienced the swelling emotions that are clashing… the remembrance of the events of 9/11/01… the longing for those who were taken that day… the honoring of those who served selflessly that day… combined with the global concern surrounding the current activity in Syria.. the world’s conflict on how to address what is happening there… all of it is a creating a swirling whirlpool of emotional input.
I wasn’t going to write about this today because I am aware of just how much is focused on this meaningful date. There is so much talk of the tragedy and some stories are attempting to focus on the courage of that day, but it is leaning more to the tragic nature of it all. And, amidst all that, I’ve wondered… how can I make an impact for GOOD amongst all the tears?
And, as I sit here, in the warmth and comfort of one of my favorite coffee shops, living my life as I once hoped it would be, I feel tears burning my eyes, running down my cheeks and I look out the window and watch as heaven weeps with me. I feel such gratitude, such Love, such sadness and I can’t contain it. I need to write. There is so much to be said… and, yet, I have no words that feel big enough, vast enough, deep enough, strong enough to express all that I am experiencing.
If you are sensitive or empathic, you too may be experiencing the swirly sensations, the tears that come for no apparent reason. I appreciate your willingness to assist in moving the pain and sorrow in this world. I invite you to focus on the beautiful things of life that are happening now. I ask that you choose to focus on the blessings from that day and how you have been positively changed by being witness to those events. I invite you to step into forgiveness, choosing to release yourself from the bonds of whatever is holding you to the past. As the emotions build throughout the day, apply their momentum to uplift and support you, rather than drag you down into the depths of despair. I ask that you focus on Love, growing that Love, sharing that Love, connecting with those around you through Love. Remember to say, “I love you,” whenever you can. And I invite you to receive the opportunity on this day that is so full of overflowing emotions and swell with the flow. Choose Love.
Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for your ongoing support, your attention, your Love. I appreciate this Tribe we’re building. And, today, on this day more than any other of the year, Let Love Reign.
photo credit: Barry Yanowitz via photopin cc
I always welcome your thoughts, questions, and comments.
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Angie, you and I are both remembering September 11th today. I found I could NOT not remember! My father was in New York that day and caught up in the chaos and the horror. We didn’t know where he was for many hours, although we had reason to believe he was a safe distance away from the towers. Thus remembering September 11th is, in part, remembering him (he died five years later), as well as a family member who was a fire fighter and died subsequently from the fumes and contaminants. This is a day to be conscious of all we have, as you say, and to make sure people know how much we love and value them.
Judy Stone-Goldman
Where the Personal and Professional Meet
Oh, Miss Judy! I am so sorry for your loss. I send you love.
I too have “swirling emotions” around today, Angie. Such tragedy, shock & emotion all wrapped up into one day. It’s hard to believe 12 years have gone by… feels like just yesterday that we were living this tragedy in realtime.
Love, forgiveness, joy, empathy and understanding are needed now more than ever. Especially with all that is going in the in the Middle East, specifically Syria. I pray for peaceful resolution.
Thank you, Heidi, for joining your peaceful prayer with my prayer of love.
Thank you for the gratitude reminder. Thoughts of 9/11… maybe we can use our memories of the day to bring perspective to our problems and irritations.
That’s a good way to look at it, Susan. Thank you for sharing your awareness.
I remember that day 09/11/01, I was laying in my mother’s bed in Senegal watching a french movie as my show was interrupted my the news.It is a day that most people alive at that time remember as we all had to stop what we were doing and watch people die without being able to do much about it… My heart goes to everyone who lost a loved one that day.I choose LOVE today and forever,
Thank you, Miss Marieme. I am so grateful you are in my life. I judge you to be the embodiment of love and I am honored to call you friend.
Being empathic does have it’s downfalls, but for the last week of feeling this emotion swirling around inside of me I actually was able to let tears come (not something that usually comes easy for me). I enjoyed your tender article today and will choose love every day!
I am appreciating you for being willing to be gentle with yourself and honor your experience by letting the tears flow.
Thank you for sharing your heartfelt words. I have been trying to focus in a lot on what I can do to make the world and my life a better place. A more peaceful loving place for the one’s I care for and that are around me, it is where I feel that I can begin…..and I just love what you write at the end…there is no better way to put it!! Let Love Reign.
Lisa, I believe that asking the question, “how can I make the world and my life a better place?” is the most loving place to start a transformative process. I’m grateful our life paths are crossing at this time. Thank you for letting me know you were here.
Yes indeed Angie, let love reign. That last sentence is etched in my mind today. What a wonderful post, thank you so much. J x
You’re welcome, Julie. 🙂
Beautifully said, Angie. I wish you and us all lots of love. Indeed, let it reign in these fragile days that oscillate between peace and bombing.
Thank you, Karo.
Hi Angie, thank you so much for you post! I am a empath and have been feeling this for sure, you’ve inspired me once again to choose love! Namaste!
Oh, Shannon! I feel such joy reading your comment. You’re welcome and thank you!
It is hard for me to know what to say about this day… There is so much conflict and pain surrounding it… and I never feel like I have the words to express my feelings about it… however I think you did a beautiful job expressing some of what I feel inside about today and I thank you for that 🙂
<3 Mimi
You’re welcome, Mimi. Sometimes… words are just not enough.
Truly a day of emotion and I am glad you are focusing on the good. Often we forget that through pain and the worst of times comes change that shifts us to new places. Thanks for sharing your tears and love. It is beautiful
Thank you, Jen, for your kind words. I am touched.
I recall exactly where I was when 9/11 hit… At work, a place where those poor people thought they were safe. I thought I was, until the giant that is the USA got stabbed. I shuddered in fear then, as I do now with the situation in Syria.
I hope that love conquers all in regards to global peace, but I feel it is going to be something my children and grand-children will still be doing in the years to come. It’s not going to all happen in my lifetime, and my eldest is only 7! What a burden we have placed on the youth of today. We should do better, but part of the problem is: how? Open to answers.
My belief is each individual is a powerful person by their own right. Choosing to focus on being love in our individual lives creates a loving life. Perhaps, if enough people got into that flow, we COULD shift the energy of fear for the entire planet.