Soooooo… my friend, JulieAnn posted on her blog this really cool Meme… a visual Meme. I loved the idea so I am going to try it out as well.
The rules are:
1- Go to Google Images
2- Enter your birth date as six figures: ddmmyy or mmddyy
3- Pick any five pictures from the first page of results only.
4- Post them somewhere we can see.
Ms. JulieAnn was creative and posted Haikus with each pic. I think I will do something similar. Yay! This will be fun.
(and… bummer… my birth date does not bring up any pics, no matter how I enter it. Soooooo… I will try spelling out the month and see what happens…) Okay… I was born in June so I got rid of the zero in the month of my birth date and then it worked…. here it is:
Awash with
Ice – cold and moist
Landing harshly
Slamming into windows
To pelt rhythmically
Obliterating the ground
Robbing the clouds
Making the land white
Thank You
Humbly from my heart
And down deep in my soul
Next to where I dream
Knowing that
You are there
Opening your heart to mine
Light switch
Ignites the room in
Glowing brilliance
Happening with one quick pull
Transitioning from dark to light
Without fail until
Its filament
Twitches one last time
Catching on a subtle burst
Honoring us no more
Fish in the Sand
In days gone by
Secreted away in little groups
Held dear and close
In their hearts knowing they were
Not the same as everyone else
To be sure they were amongst friends
Half a fish was drawn in the sand
Each waiting for another to complete
Safety was there amongst them
As the other reached his stick to mark
Nicely completing the other side
Declaring we are all the same
Bauble, bauble, bauble
Announcing one’s beauty
Upon the graceful neck to
Behold and declare
Every time