The following post is from my Meditation of the Week series – a free service that lands uplifting and thought-provoking emails in your email box every now and then. If you’re interested in receiving them, CLICK HERE.
Wake Up!
The Art of Knowing YOU
“Do you commit to being fully alive?”
My mentor asked that question several years ago and, trusting her, I naively responded with an excited nod and a willing heart. I had no idea what that commitment would entail or what would happen when I agreed to taken on a commitment of such grand proportions. I don’t think anyone in the room had any idea, actually, but I can say that the moment I spoke the words out loud, I commit to being fully alive, my life immediately started spinning into a gorgeous masterpiece. At times, it was a hair-raising, terrifying ride with abrupt turns and scary climbs only to find myself hanging upside down, suspended over a bottomless abyss. At other times, it was a delicious dance of smooth transitions and childlike wonder.
About a year later I amended the commitment to: I commit to being fully alive AND living in love. That amendment began the time in my life that I now call “The Wake Up Call.” It showed me the areas where I had died inside and where I had chosen roads out of fear, instead of love, giving me an opportunity to reevaluate where I was and choose out or choose differently. It also illuminated with a beautiful, brilliant light the areas where I was alive, creative and in love. These areas attracted my attention and became the space I chose to dwell in more often and – oh lovely surprise! – my life is now these areas continually.
The other morning, bright and early, just after getting out of bed, I posted to my facebook wall:
Gooooood mornin’!
Feeling joyful and excited about the day ahead.
How ’bout you?
One of my friends replied something along the lines of, “It’s way too early. How can you be so cheerful?”
I laughed because I truly haven’t always been a morning person. For the bulk of my life, I’ve been a grouchy morning person who believed morning came waaaaaaay too early. Really, it is a choice. I now choose to be cheerful in the morning because, well, I realize that the day is a blessed gift. I am alive. I am awake and the sun is rising. I feel grateful for those aspects and that gratitude, for me, generates joy. In essence, I have no choice but to be cheerful because I approach life this way.
Waking up and Knowing myself has opened my eyes to the beauty in the mundane and the joy in the moments I would have once judged as harsh, difficult or gut-wrenching. It has given me the courage to have those difficult conversations when I realize I chose, in the past, an inauthentic path. It has given me the freedom to speak my truths and live those truths. It has supported me in those moments when it does seem the world is crashing around me and I’m not sure how I will be able to make it through. And, most importantly, it has evolved into the greatest love affair of my life.
Every moment of every day is a choice. What will you do with your choices?
There is a new transformational tool about to be released to the world and you have the opportunity to get yours before anyone else!
I have created a new card deck called Intrinsic Universe that is a powerful, yet simple way of getting to know yourself and waking up to who you really are, remembering your essence. With stunning art and intricate messages, these cards provide you the chance to play and learn and remember. These are more than “just another tarot deck” because these cards are designed to support you in uncovering your own truths.
Whether you like tarot or have no idea what that is, whether you meditate or not, if you are someone who can appreciate art and words that make you think, this is for you.
To read more about Intrinsic Universe and to order your copy at the introductory, pre-press rate, CLICK HERE.
Awaken, explore and play!