In our attempt to be “enlightened” and “bring Light to humanity,” are we losing track of what it means to be truly human? As we focus on our own “Ascension,” are we forgetting that we are here to connect with humans and interact? As we expand our ability to bring Light, are our “correct” and “proper” ways slaughtering those whom we love and are actually here to serve?
Where I sit in Dancing Cranes Import Store to do my intuitive readings and energy healing work, it is along a “wall” created by Japanese paper panels. These panels are frail and delicate, tearing if you look at them cross-eyed, so the “privacy” they provide is strictly an illusion. That illusion, however, is one that most humans trust wholeheartedly and because of that, very personal conversations waft on the air, through the paper, and to where I sit, only about 18 inches from the back of the couch.
The other day, as I was quietly working between clients, I realized that the women on the couch had changed by the change in the energy and the voices. One of the women was clearly distraught, needing someone to talk to. She was telling a story, the words of which I could not hear, but the energy of it was tugging on my heart. I had a really strong desire to step through that screen and put my arms around her.
“I’m sorry,” the other woman said, but the words were abrupt and not at all loving. “I need you to shift the conversation. Can we talk about something else? This is just too heavy.”
I heard muttering of acquiescence and felt the crash of defeated energy.
“I just have a very strong commitment to focusing on positive,” said the woman who had abruptly aborted the other woman’s story. “I know I am here to be Light and bring Light to people, so I have to focus on positive, light things.”
For about 15 minutes, that woman went on to share stories about her victories with “Being Light” and how she was so successful at it. I heard the original woman interjecting the appropriate “Uh-huh” and other agreeing statements every now and then, but the second woman was on a roll. She was talking about how great she was and how much Light she was bringing to everyone.
I was stunned.
When the first woman started talking again, the “Light” woman interjected judgmental questions and statements like, “That is just what men do,” and “That sort of behavior is intolerable to me,” and “That is such a Mormon thing,” where the word “Mormon” dripped from her tongue with such judgment and disgust that I felt like I had just been sprayed with liquid fecal matter.
The longer it went on, the more disgusted I grew with the “Light” woman. Given that I hear, see, and sense maligned integrity, and that the “Light” woman was facing my direction so her voice and energy carried to me easily, my energy field was continually pinged with her acidic approach.
I had no idea what they were talking about, but whatever it was, the first woman was speaking very softly and calmly. The second woman – the “Light” one – got more and more riled up, judgment leaking from her in all directions.
And then she turned the conversation back to her and her “Light” accomplishments, as a means of focusing on the positive.
There was no indication that she realized she, herself, was projecting darkness all over the place with her thick judgment and condemnation of practically everything the quiet woman said. This “Light” woman was professing to be that – a LIGHT woman, meaning she was here to BE. LIGHT. – and yet, she was spewing darkness.
It doesn’t work like that.
We as Healers and Light Workers are here to be Light, to bring Light, to share the Light. In my awareness, Light is equated with Love and Unity and Allowance and Acceptance. Light is embracing. It is nurturing. It is honoring. Light is listening. Light is compassion.
When we sit with humans who are hurting or needing to talk, it is important that we listen to them. In that moment, it is not our task to correct them or instruct them on how to “do it properly.” In that moment, we are meant to simply be a space of neutrality, observance, and care. Even as coaches who are in an agreement to guide a client, when that client is in a very human state of emotional meltdown, it is unkind to stop them mid-meltdown to correct the way they are speaking. It is definitely inappropriate to do that to a friend or loved one.
I am imagining that the snippets of this scene caught my attention because I used to be the “Light” woman in the scenario. I used to think it was my calling to correct everyone and everything and to do so without anyone’s permission. I didn’t realize how much that hurt until one of my most beloved people did it to me and shattered me to oblivion.
This is what I have learned through my experience of being “super enlightened” and “perfect” all while ignoring how deeply flawed and broken I truly was…
If you are a Light Being, your most complicated task could possibly be figuring out how to not fix the humans around you, to allow them to falter and fail and crash and talk imperfectly. If you are a Light Being and having someone talk to you about heavy things causes you to lose track of your commitment to the Light, that is not about the person talking with heaviness; THAT IS ABOUT YOU. Projecting it onto the other person is unaccountable, unkind, unloving, and completely out of alignment with what it means to be a Light Being.
When you hear yourself correcting a human who is hurting or struggling to find the “correct” words to express themselves, I strongly invite you to check yourself. Check that impulse to “fix” them. Check that impulse to “make” them do it “right.” And check your ego because that is really what is parading around when you say something like, “I need you to talk about something different because I need to be focused on positive.”
And then, return to your true center, the Light, and BE. LIGHT. And treat the humans with compassion. They need it. A lot.