This character above, Vanellope Von Schweetz, in the Disney movie Wreck it Ralph, happens to be my hero. A video game character that was cast out by everyone in her world, Vanellope continually showed up for the opportunity to do what she loved most – racing – only to be told “no, you are broken, go away,” every time. Each time, she went away feeling crushed, her heart hurting, and her dreams dashed. And each morning, she showed up again, hopeful that that day would be her day.
Her peers in the game called her “Glitch” because something deep in her code caused her to fragment and glitch when she got in a state of heightened emotionality. No matter what she did, Vanellope couldn’t make the glitch stop because it was written into her code. She would simply have to live through the extremely uncomfortable glitch until it was over and then make the best of whatever mess the glitch had created. This made her an extremely volatile “unknown” in the world of racing because no one knew when the intensity of the race would spark her code and cause her to glitch out. Therefore, they wouldn’t let her race. It was too dangerous.
I am Vanellope.
For a long time, I was frustrated with what it meant to be Angie K. Millgate on this planet. People didn’t like me much because of my inherent capacity to magnify where things are out of alignment. A mentor once commented about how fascinated she was with my ability to simply walk into a room and make the heads of ten people explode. Hearing that, I questioned who in the hell I was, why I was even on this planet, and why my Creator would make me in such a way. Why would I be given the ability to explode heads if it only resulted in me being cast out of society? It didn’t make sense.
I was able to see that my presence causing the heads of humans to explode did not make a stable ground for creating long-lasting relationships. I was an extremely volatile “unknown” presence in the world and the humans I attracted in continually proved to me that I was unloveable, unwanted, and unwelcome. For years, every time I walked into rooms, heads exploded and humans pushed me away, leaving me with a sense of isolated loneliness. I only wanted to love and be loved in return. Instead, I was told time and again that I was broken and needed to go away. I couldn’t imagine how that ability could ever be a good thing.
I see it now, though. And in my seeing it as the benevolent power that it is, I have changed my experience of it. Truly, what I believe about myself is how I experience this world. If I am told that my superpower is a bad thing and I take on that belief, feeling shamed because of my inherent ability, then every experience I have will be a painful reminder of how bad I am. And for years, that was reinforced.
I took myself out of all relationships at that time to see if I could get really clear about who I really am and why I am on this damn planet, so that I could truly choose to stay or go. It didn’t make any sense to me that my life was an ongoing painful experience because I believe that my Creator is a joyful being who wants His/Her children to also be joyful creatures. Existing in a world of pain, illness, and despair is not in alignment with my understanding of Source. So… it was up to me to get clear for me and this meant getting radically accountable for what I am creating and experiencing on this planet and why. It meant that I had to be willing to be honest about myself and what I actually WANT to experience on this planet. Did I want to live a life of loneliness? Did I want to live a life of isolation? Did I want to be hated and pushed away?
Did I really want to continue to experience all that? NO!
Because that was a “no,” I had to start exploring the truths. Did I want something more than that? Did I want to feel love? Be love? Did I want to experience joy and ease? Did I want to experience connection on profound levels? All of these questions were answered with a solid, soul-felt YES! And that got me to looking at my ability to cause people’s heads to explode. What was that really about? Why had I been given that ability? How was that capacity to be wielded for the Divine?
Because I started asking powerful questions of “show me” quality, the Universe began to deliver answers. I discovered that because of that ability, I am able to find the glitches in any human and in any system created by humans. This superpower of mine makes me a formidable weapon on the front lines of the Light in eradicating abuse and healing trauma.
I am a Glitch Magnet and the ability shows up everywhere.
Case in point…
A few weeks ago, I was on the phone with a peer, planning some upcoming podcasts we will be collaborating on. In the process of setting up the collaboration call, I discovered that her online scheduler was not functioning as well as she believed it to be. I pointed out the glitch, she fixed it, and I was finally able to schedule the appointment for the collaboration call a few days later.
On the call, she asked if I had taken her quiz on her website. She does archetype work and the quiz was to determine what archetypes I work most powerfully with. I hadn’t, so when we got off the phone, I took the quiz. Throughout the process of the quiz, I found errors in spelling, I found questions that were worded awkwardly so the question made no sense, and I found questions that had options for answering that were completely illogical. I pointed out these glitches and she fixed them.
Once the quiz was finished, I received an email from her server coming from an email address I didn’t recognize, with a subject line that caused me to question if it was a virus, and content within the email that was not in alignment with anything of the quiz I had just taken. Her system was pulling information from an incorrect template and the result was absolute confusion. I pointed out these issues and she fixed them.
Two weeks later, I still did not have results from my quiz. I pointed that out and she went about fixing that issue. We are still working through the process so that her system flows flawlessly, but prior to our conversation, she was under the impression that everything on her end was working perfectly and all that was happening was that no one was interested in what she had to offer.
What was really happening was that no one could get to her! They couldn’t schedule a convenient appointment to begin with, so they stopped trying. If they had been able to figure out a semi-convenient time that they begrudgingly settled into, their experience of her was already tainted with the idea that she wasn’t very available or approachable and therefore they probably developed the idea that she would not be easy to work with. This thought process had already set them up to say “no” to her. If they had made it through all that and had taken the quiz and received results that were completely inappropriate and not at all based on the quiz they thought they had taken, they most likely never approached her again. Three strikes, you. are. out!
Because humans are not designed as I am, when they meet a glitch, they stop trying. When I meet a glitch, I go about figuring out how to bring the glitch into homeostasis – I search for balance and healing.
My presence in her life showed her within two days every single area where her target audience was not able to receive her messages, not able to easefully interact with her, and not able to understand her. Her response was that her interaction with me had been priceless because of the invitation it provided her to clean up all the glitches and get everything balanced and aligned. All that had happened was that I showed up in my full power and my Glitch Magnet kicked into high gear, revealing everywhere that there was a glitch that needed to be healed.
What I have learned is this… as Sensitives, we are often shut down in our younger years because our superpowers are scary to mere mortals. Humans are terrified by that which they do not understand and they call it “wicked,” which means it needs to be executed. Sensitives are able to see, feel, hear, sense, and know things that the humans around them are not picking up on. That, in and of itself, is cause for humans to believe that the Sensitive is evil, tapped into some sort of devilry, and practicing dark magic. Therefore, that Sensitive must be stopped.
The truth is, our superpowers that scare the humans ARE THE REASON WE ARE HERE. Within that scary superpower is the ability to change the human race, elevate it, support it in the evolution to our higher existence. As we learn to embrace our superpowers and step into them fully, we begin to embrace and embark upon our Purpose Path, we become the Light Warrior we were designed to be.
So, today, I invite you to meditate and ponder about those superpowers that resulted in you being cast out from your society. Really look at the names they called you, the ways they teased you, and the reasons they judged you. Look at them and ask, “Could it be possible that it is true? Could it be possible that I AM a ________?” and fill in the blank with the names they called you. Then ask, “Could it be possible that being a _____ IS my superpower and that my innate ability to be a _______ is how I am here to be of service to humanity?”
Now, take a breath and drop the shame that you have carried because you are a Glitch or a Witch or a Beast. Because, my dear Glitchy, Witchy, Beastly Sensitive, you ARE that BECAUSE it is your divine design and my Dear Sensitive, you ARE here at this time BECAUSE of that divine design. We need you online and at full power in your magnificence.
Welcome to the race!
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