Recently, after a morning of co-creative magicality, I suddenly had two fantastic awarenesses, one of which made me cry.
The weepy awareness is: Years ago, I had a glimspe of the other awareness I will share in a second. Back then, I posted about that awareness on Facebook and someone whom I loved and trusted told me I was being egoic and judgmental, and that I had lost sight of my own divine nature because I was separating myself from other humans. I cried then and I shut myself down. I cry harder, now, because I shut myself down then.
The re-dawning awareness is this: When I, The Phoenix, am on fire, humans who are intent on hiding from their truths or being out of alignment with their purpose, are completely terrified of me. This results in a myriad of responses that are as subtle as physically turning away from me, glaring angrily at me, rolling their eyes at me, or energetically slamming me (if they are at all aware that they have magical powers) to more boisterous things like actual physical aggression, verbal abuse, and social media attacks.
As I entered the space of Dancing Crane to be of service that day, I discovered that my shine was SUPER loud for the humans who were sleep-walking or fabricating their existence. I experienced two very explicit responses from two such humans, which reminded me of my past experience. The high vibration of my shine was too much for them and their responses reminded me that I am NOT someone for all humans.
While I know that I could be of service to all humans, not all of them are ready for the fire I carry. And that is okay. The very energy of who I am does come with its own “ousting” ability, wherein humans push me away and reject me vehemently. I am not liked by all humans because of my inherent ability to make them uncomfortable, simply by being. I can get all overemotional about that and focus on the fact that I am being rejected. In yesteryears, I did. And I was brokenhearted all the time because of it.
Now, though, I am SO DAMN GOOD with the responses I received because it is an affirmation that I AM shifting a lot of my own SHIT Suit™ as I focus on Health as a Verb.
Gone are the days where I will dim my light based on someone else’s erroneous judgment of my authenticity or any human’s horror-response to my fire. Instead, I will shine all the brighter so that those who are seeking the Light will find it.