My friends, we are being faced with one of the greatest Trust Walks of our lives. We have the opportunity to do great work if we but only CHOOSE TO LIVE WHAT WE PREACH. We are teaching to trust that everything is perfect. We are teaching that everything is divinely guided. We are teaching that we are here to love and to be light.
That being said, I am really aware that what I am about to say may make many of your heads explode. I invite you to breathe…
I am actually really confused about how many of my friends are behaving right now. So many of you are “love and light” sort of folks that have preached for a long time that everything is a blessing and everything is light and this life is about love. Many of you are healers in one way or another. And many of you often speak to the fact that everything is divinely guided and that everything has a purpose.
In light of that… if EVERYTHING is divinely guided… then logic states that even our new presidential situation is part of the Divine Equation. Even THAT is being divinely guided. If we believe that EVERYTHING is divinely guided, then we cannot exclude ANYTHING from that belief. EVEN this thing that so many of you are viewing as an atrocity, even THIS is Divine.
I have heard and read embarrassingly horrible things being said about the man that was elected to office. Whether or not they are true, whether or not the election was rigged, whether or not the system is broken… if EVERYTHING is divinely guided, then even that man, the election, and the system is being divinely guided.
To be clear, Donald Trump does not socially behave in the way I would want the person at the head of my country to behave. But… he is a businessman who knows how to destroy things and rebuild them. OUR COUNTRY IS BROKEN. Even if it is divinely guided, it IS broken and I believe part of the Divine Equation is the waking up of all the American citizens to the fact that our country is broken. Every system in this nation from government to education to health care to economy… ALL of it is rooted in old archaic paradigms that HAVE TO COME DOWN. We need a Destroyer to do that sort of work! And that is what he specializes in. He knows how to tear down – that is one thing he is well known for… four bankruptcies… from zero to millions to zero again… FOUR TIMES.
Before ALL great transformations, there is great destruction. And for that to happen, we have to unleash the Destroyers. As I see it, Donald Trump is a masterful Destroyer who gets the old ways of money. He is also filling the open slots with people of the old ways of money. Who better to destroy what is needing to be destroyed than those who are of the old ways that built it in the first place? They inherently know how to tear it down the fastest because they know how it was built.
We need someone who doesn’t give a shit if people like him. And heaven knows, most of you who are reading this right now DON’T like him. In fact, most of you are spewing hate at him. I’ve heard some of you refer to him as Satan Incarnate. So… yeah… ya don’t like him. Good. That means he can do his job. He can blow up this country and every broken system within this country because he is fueled by your hate.
Hate breeds more hate. Violence breeds more violence. Resistance increases whatever it is you’re resisting.
Good crap! Ya’all teach that. Dammit! It is part of the friggin’ Laws of Attraction that many of you live by: What you focus on grows.
If you continue to focus on hate and hating on him, that is what we’re going to have more of: HATE.
How about you get back to that Love and Light you talk about and actually FULLY LIVE that and start focusing on THAT and become more productive as the Healers you were sent here to be?
How about you start focusing on STANDING FOR what you believe in and doing so lovingly, instead of STANDING AGAINST everything you hate?
Any time you “stand against” anything, you are in resistance and what you resist persists. Do you want more hate? Do you want more violence? Do you want more segregation? Do you want more limitations?
Now, I understand that this is all very scary. I understand that it looks like he is going to obliterate us all. I understand that it looks like he is doing things that are underhanded, dishonest, and outright maniacal. I understand that it looks and sounds like he’s out of control. I understand that he looks mean and like he’s flipping out and ruining everything.
Everything needs to be ruined. Reminder: before every great transformation, there is great destruction.
To reiterate… My friends, we are being faced with one of the greatest Trust Walks of our lives. We have the opportunity to do great work if we but only CHOOSE TO LIVE WHAT WE PREACH. We are teaching to trust that everything is perfect. We are teaching that everything is divinely guided. We are teaching that we are here to love and to be light.
So…. let’s do THAT. Please!