Where I live, I am in a neighborhood where the houses are very close together and the way our house is positioned, the space between our house and the neighbor’s house become a perfect wind tunnel. All night long the wind howled through that space, shaking the windows and the fences. I fully expected to find utter destruction outside when I opened the door this morning because the wind sounded so fierce. I was delightfully surprised to see that everything was still in its place and the birds were singing happily as if only I could hear the blustery protests. I like it when I’m gently surprised like that!
Today, I am grateful for… * the birds who keep on singing * preparing for my radio show, Moments of Awakening, each day has really helped me to stay in focus with what I want to create and what I want to bring to the world * feeling surprised as I witness the topics gently come forth and see the response that surprises me based on the topics, especially the topics I’ve been talking about this week and will be talking about in a few minutes * technology that makes this huge world small * the fact that my shows are archived so listeners can return again and again or catch ones they have missed * learning to love myself and practicing that art in each moment * fudge.
I am SO very blessed and love my life.