You are being called to step forth.
Your gifts are longed for.
You have within you the balance, the power, the strength, the courage, the wisdom, the knowing, the creativity, the space to do what it is that you are here to do.
You are being called to step forth.
Your gifts are a missing piece in the chain reaction needed to release us.
Humankind is longing for your magic, your fire, your dance, your rhythm, your vision, your touch, your voice, your medicine.
You are being called to step forth
From out of the darkness, the closets, the hiding, the cloaks of invisibility
And to bring forth into the Light all that you are, all that you’ve been created to be.
You are being called to step forth
And answering that call releases not only you, not only me, but each and every one of us.
Will you answer the call?
© Angie K. Millgate
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